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Beta Regimes for the Yield Curve

We propose an a±ne term structure model which accommodates non-linearities in the drift andnvolatility function of the short-term interest rate. Such non-linearities are a consequence of discrete beta-distributed regime shifts constructed on multiple thresholds. We derive iterative closed-form formulanfor the whole yield curve dynamics that can be estimated using a linearized Kalman...

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English / 01/05/2005

Control of Generalized Error Rates in Multiple Testing

Consider the problem of testing s hypotheses simultaneously. The usual approach tondealing with the multiplicity problem is to restrict attention to procedures that controlnthe probability of even one false rejection, the familiar familywise error rate (FWER). Innmany applications, particularly if s is large, one might be willing to tolerate more than onenfalse rejection if the...

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English / 01/05/2005

Returns to Foreign Education. Yet another but different cross country analysis.

The main interest of this paper is to compare the value of education systems of differentncountries. For this reason I use data on workers who have completed their education beforenimmigrating to Switzerland to estimate a country specific return to education. I estimatenthe standard Mincer-equation with the extension that I additionally allow for country specific returns to education...

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English / 01/05/2005

Wettbewerb in der Krankenversicherung: Schlagwort oder Realität?

Der Wettbewerb zwischen den sozialen Krankenversicherern wird immer mehr zum Kampf um günstige Risiken. Die erhoffte Dämpfung des Prämienanstiegs bleibt dagegen aus. Das ist eine direkte Folge der verfehlten Rahmenbedingungen, die das Kostensparen unrentabel, die volkswirtschaftlich unsinnige Risikoselektion dagegen rentabel machen. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um ein Marktversagen,...

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Deutsch / 01/05/2005

Systematische Steigerung von Erträgen aus Bodensatzprodukten

Bodensatzprodukte besitzen ein erhebliches, vielfach unzureichend genutztes Ertragspotential. Die konventionelle Wiederanlagemethode, diese Bodensatzprodukte mit konstanter Aufteilung in Festzinsanlagen zu transformieren, schöpft dieses Potenzial nur unzureichend aus. Eine dynamische Bewirtschaftung ist den üblichen statischen Verfahren sowohl unter Risiko- als auch...

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Deutsch / 01/05/2005

The Politicisation of EC Anti-dumping Policy: Member States, Their Votes, and the European Commission

This paper examines one political-economy aspect of the European Communities' (EC) anti-dumping policy that has tended to be overlooked in prior studies; namely, the role that member states play in deciding whether to impose definitive duties on imports that have been found to be dumped and that are deemed to have injured a European industry. We find that, in the late 1990s,...

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English / 01/05/2005

Compliance und Integrity - Zwei Seiten ethisch integrierter Unternehmenssteuerung. Lektionen aus dem Compliance-Management einer Grossbank

Compliance bedeutet, grundlegend und allgemein betrachtet: Tun, was man muss, weil man es soll. Integrity hingegen: Wollen, was man soll. Beide Seiten hängen zusammen und bedingen einander: Compliance braucht Integrity - Integrity braucht Compliance. Diesem dialektischen Zusammenhang ist bislang zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt worden, da Compliance und Integrity als Gegensätze begriffen...

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Deutsch / 01/05/2005

Die Zukunft gehört den Vertriebsteams

Die Bedeutung des Aussendienstvertriebs im Wandel

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Deutsch / 01/05/2005

Benchmarking von Vertriebskennzahlen

Eine aktuelle Studie des Instituts für Versicherungswirtschaft und der R&W Consulting zeigt: Eine differenzierte Vertriebssteuerung auf Basis eines Balanced-Scorecard-Ansatzes kann die Effektivität des Vertriebs steigern und gleichzeitig einen zusätzlichen Nutzen für den Kunden generieren. Im Rahmen der Studie "Benchmarking im Versicherungsvertrieb" wurden im Dezember...

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Deutsch / 15/04/2005

What does it take to sell Environmental Policy? An empirical Analysis of Referendum Data

We analyze the factors that influence the support for environmental policy proposals. Swiss referendum data show that proposals obtain more yes-votes if they do not restrict consumption possibilities directly, if they are endorsed by business associations, if environmental preferences are strong and economic conditions are favorable at the time of the referendum. Also, there are more...

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English / 01/04/2005

Competition Policy and Exit Rates: Evidence from Switzerland

This paper provides evidence on the relation between the intensity of product market competition and the probability of exit. We adopt a natural experiment approach towards analyzing the impact of a tightening of Swiss antitrust legislation on exit probabilities. Based on a sample of more than 68,000 firms from all major sectors of the Swiss economy, we find that the exit probability...

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English / 01/04/2005

Back to the St. Petersburg paradox?

The conventional parameterizations of cumulative prospect theory do not explain the St. Petersburg paradox. To do so, the power coefficient of an individual’s utility function must be lower than the power coefficient of an individual’s probability weighting function.

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English / 01/04/2005

Evolutionary Choice of Markets

We consider an economy where a finite set of agents can trade on one of two asset markets. Due to endogenous participation the differ in the liquidity they provide. Traders have idiosyncratic preferencesnfor the markets, e.g. due to differential time preferences for maturity dates of futures contracts. For a broad range of parameters we find that nontrade, trade on both markets (...

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English / 01/04/2005

Social Learning and Voluntary Cooperation among Like-Minded People

Many people contribute to public goods but stop doing so once they experience free riding.We test the hypothesis that groups whose members know that they are composed only of "likeminded" cooperators are able to maintain a higher cooperation level than the most cooperative, randomly composed groups. Our experiments confirm this hypothesis. We also predict that groups of...

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English / 01/04/2005

Managerlöhne offen legen: Bezüge sind eigennützig motiviert

In diesem schriftlichen Interview prüft der Verfasser vier mögliche Kriterien zur Beurteilung von Managerlöhnen - 1. Leistungsgerechtigkeit, 2. Marktlöhne, 3. Firmennutzen, 4. Gemeinwohl - und kommt bei allen zu einem negativen Befund, was die heutigen Spitzensaläre scheizerischer Topmanager von 10 bis zu mehr als 20 Millionen CHF pro Jahr betrifft. Der Anhang enthält die gesamte...

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Deutsch / 01/04/2005

In the Wings

English / 17/03/2005

Ordered Response Models

We discuss regression models for ordered responses, such as ratings of bonds, schooling attainment, or measures of subjective well-being. Commonly used models in this context are the ordered logit and ordered probit regression models. They are based on an underlying latent model with single index function and constant thresholds. We argue that these approaches are overly restrictive...

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English / 01/03/2005


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