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Market access and welfare under free trade agreements: textiles under NAFTA

The effective market access granted to textiles and apparel under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is estimated, taking into account the presence of rules of origin. First, estimates are provided of the effect of tariff preferences combined with rules of origin on the border prices of Mexican final goods exported to the United States and of U.S. intermediate goods...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

On the Geography of Trade: Distance is Alive and Well

It has been widely argued that, with the decline in trade costs, the importance of distance has declined over time. On the other hand, most gravity models find that the importance of distance on bilateral trade has increased over time. This puzzle is examined here. The paper develops a new measure of the distance of trade (dot) and shows that the dot falls over the period 1962-2000...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

Has distance died? Evidence from a panel gravity model

This paper reports panel gravity estimates of aggregate bilateral trade for 130 countries over the period 1962-96 in which the coefficient of distance is allowed to change over time. In a standard specification in which transport costs are proxied by distance only, it is found paradoxically that the absolute value of the elasticity of bilateral trade to distance has been...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

Dette extérieure et situation sociopolitique. Quel rôle dans les dépenses publiques de santé dans les pays en développement?

Cet article se propose d’étudier les déterminants des dépenses publiques de santé dans les pays en développement en mettant plus particulièrement l’accent sur la contrainte financière extérieure, sur une dimension clé de la gouvernance, la corruption, et sur deux autres composantes de la situation socio-politique, l’agitation socio-politique et la dominance ethnique. On utilise pour...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

How Much Market Access in FTAs? Textiles Under NAFTA

This paper estimates the effective market-access granted under NAFTA in textiles and apparel by combining two approaches. First, we estimate the effect of tariff preferences and rules of origin on the border prices of Mexican final goods exported to the US and of US intermediates exported to Mexico. We find that one third of the estimated rise in the border price of Mexican apparel...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

Europe et sortie des conflits

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

Le pacifisme subtil

This article looks at the individual responsibility of rank-and-file soldiers in “just wars” and defends what might be called “subtle pacifism”. Subtle pacifism begins with an acknowledgement of the conflict between the jus in bello imperative of taking part in one's own community's just wars and the pacifist imperative of refraining from any homicidal enterprise. The moral...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

Magistrats et gens de bien

I shall offer here a “dilemmatic” argument for liberal antipaternalism. Either it is the case – as Kantians maintain – that impersonal, impartial and universal rules enjoy ethical priority ; or it is the case – as Communitarians like MacIntyre maintain – that universal rules do not enjoy any such priority. If Kantians are right, then – as suggested by the conventional wisdom of...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

Le dilemme du soldat : guerre juste et prohibition du meurtre

Si personne n'a jamais osé parler d'un « massacre juste », alors pourquoi dit-on qu'une guerre est juste ou pas ? En analysant les argumentations classiques à propos de la guerre pour en éprouver les logiques internes, Nicolas Tavaglione soumet à la critique cette notion de guerre juste, sans jamais se ranger du côté d'un pacifisme absolu et unilatéral....

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

Rising Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution in Affluent Countries

We use data from the Luxembourg Income Study to examine household market inequality, redistribution, and the relationship between market inequality and redistribution in affluent OECD countries in the 1980s and 1990s. We observe sizeable increases in market household inequality in most countries. This development appears to have been driven largely, though not exclusively, by changes...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

Paradoxes de la politique européenne en Belgique

Cet article souligne les principaux paradoxes de la Belgique dans sa politique européenne : la politique européenne belge est la plus engagées parmi les Etats membres, alors que sa politique intérieure est relativement pragmatique; le gouvernement belge est l'un de plus autonomes d'Europe, alors qu'il est le plus dépendant de veto internes; la Belgique a une attitude...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005


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