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Merge or Fail? The Determinants of Mergers and Bankruptcies in Switzerland, 1995-2000

This paper examines the determinants of mergers and bankruptcies, using firm level data from the Swiss Business Census and the Dun & Bradstreet exit database for Switzerland (1995-2000). Employing duration analysis, we find considerable differences in the determinants of mergers and bankruptcies, in particular with respect to firm size, location and the impact of macroeconomic...

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English / 01/03/2005

Evidence for a hyperbolic-like distribution of asset returns drawn from a simple economical financial markets model

Risk management and asset pricing benefit from simple functional descriptions of the distribution of real asset returns. Recently, several authors have proposed that asset returns in real stock markets are distributed according to a hyperbolic distribution. While asset returns are generated by trades over time, the natural question is: What does economic theory imply concerning...

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English / 01/03/2005

Base-Rate Neglect and Imperfect Information Acquisition

Base-rate neglect is a robust experimental finding that individuals do not update their prior beliefs according to the Bayes' rule and, typically, underestimate their posterior probabilities. Another empirical finding is that individuals often do not acquire information even when there are no strategic considerations and the cost of new information is justifiableneconomically....

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English / 01/03/2005

Unemployment and Right-Wing Extremist Crime

Right-wing extremism is a serious problem in many societies. A prominent hypothesis states that unemployment plays a crucial role for the occurrence of right-wing extremist crime. In this paper we empirically test this hypothesis. We use a previously not used data set which includes all officially recorded right-wing criminal acts in Germany. These data are recorded by the German...

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English / 01/03/2005

Fostering Within-Family Human Capital Investment: An Intragenerational Insurance Perspective of Social Security

We propose an extended PAYG social security system that conditions pension benefits on the aggregate wage sum and on the wage of one’s children. The latter increases parents’ incentives to provide their children with good within-familyneducation. However, since wages depend stochastically on parents’ unobservable investment in their children’s human capital, some insurance against...

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English / 01/03/2005

An Adverse Selection Model of Optimal Unemployment

We ask whether offering a menu of unemployment insurance contracts is welfare improving in a heterogeneous population. We adopt a repeated moral-hazard framework as in Shavell/Weiss (1979) supplemented by unobservednheterogeneity about agents’ job opportunities. Our main theoretical contribution is an analytical characterizationnof the sets of jointly feasible entitlements that...

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English / 01/03/2005

Im Wettbewerb um "Familienfreundlichkeit": Konstruktionen familienfreundlicher Wirklichkeiten zwischen gleichstellerischen Idealen und pragmatischer Machbarkeit

Mit Blick auf Konstruktionen von "Familienfreundlichkeit" im Kontext verschiedener neuer Schweizer Wettbewerbe zur Auszeichnung "familienfreundlicher" Unternehmen werden die im Konstruktionsprozess jeweils verwendeten Verständnisse untersucht. Leitend ist dabei die Frage nach Veränderungspotenzialen hinsichtlich geschlechtsspezifischer Arbeits-, Verantwortungs-...

Deutsch / 01/03/2005

Government procurement : market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules

This paper examines the effects on national welfare and market access of two public procurement practices, discrimination and nontransparency. Both policies have become prominent in international trade negotiations, including the Doha Round of World Trade Organization (WTO) trade talks. We show that fostering either domestic competition or transparency in state contracting tends to...

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English / 01/03/2005

Option für die Armen: Eine ökonomische Perspektive

Poverty is - from an economic perspective − mainly a structural problem, which may be solved with economic growth. After presenting several concepts of poverty we first discuss problems connected with economic growth and show why it makes sense to fight against poverty with structural measures. The fact that there will be losers as well does not make this a priori invalid. Next, by...

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Deutsch / 01/03/2005

WTO Dispute Settlement at Ten: Evolution, Experiences, and Evaluation

On 1 January 1995, the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) entered into force. During its first ten years, the DSU has since been applied to 324 complaints - more cases than dispute settlement under the GATT
1947 had dealt with in nearly five decades. The system is perceived, both by practitioners and in academic literature, to work...

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English / 01/03/2005

Zivilisierte Marktwirtschaft. Wirtschaftsbürgerrechte als sozioökonomische Voraussetzung einer voll entfalteten Bürgergesellschaft

Mit dem modernen Projekt der "bürgerlichen" Gesellschaft und Marktwirtschaft muss etwas schief gelaufen sein: Der wirtschaftliche "Fortschritt" dient nicht mehr der Erweiterung der realen Bürgerfreiheit und der Verbesserung der sozialen Verhältnisse, sondern entfaltet zusehends eine eigensinnige Sachzwanglogik gegen sie. Es gilt sich deshalb auf den ursprünglichen...

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Deutsch / 01/03/2005

Stochastische Optimierung im Energiehandel: Entscheidungsunterstützung und Bewertung für das Portfoliomanagement

Unsicherheiten im Strommarkt erfordern flexible Reaktionen von Stromversorgungsunternehmen auf sich kontinuierlich wandelnde Strukturen. Marktteilnehmer ohne marktbeherrschende Stellung müssen zunehmend die kurzfristig hochvolatilen und langfristig nicht prognostizierbaren Preisentwicklungen berücksichtigen. Federführend durch die Stadtwerke Giessen AG und motiviert durch ihre...

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Deutsch / 09/02/2005

The Evolution of Models : Uncovering the Path of Model Improvement

The purpose of this contribution is to learn from the theory of evolution in order to improve the design of modeling processes. The aim of the chapter is to advance the understanding of the evolutionary structural characteristics of modeling processes which lead to better models, and to find design rules for systematically achieving higher model quality. We use a simulation approach...

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English / 08/02/2005

Theory-Building with System Dynamics: Principles and Practices

System Dynamics is a discipline for the modeling, simulation and control of complex dynamic systems. In this contribution, the methodology of System Dynamics-based modeling is argued to be a powerful and rigorous approach to theory-building. The strength od the pertinent process of theory development lies in its high standards for model validation, and in a combination of abductive...

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English / 07/02/2005

Consumer Resistance Against Regulation: The Case of Health Care

Regulation fostering Managed Care alternatives in health insurance is spreading. This work reports on an experiment designed to measure the amounts of compensation asked by the Swiss population (in terms of reduced premiums) for Managed-Care type restrictions in the provision of health care. It finds that restrictions on the freedom of physician choice would require an average...

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English / 01/02/2005


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