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Deregulating Network Industries: Dealing with Price-Quality Tradeoffs

This paper examines the e®ects of introducing competition into monopolized network industries on prices and infrastructure quality. Analyzing a model with reduced-form demand, we ¯rst show that deregulating an integrated monopoly cannot simultaneously decrease the retail price and increase infrastructure quality. Second, we derive conditions under which reducing both retail price and...

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English / 01/10/2005

The dynamics of government

We model income redistribution with dynamic distortions as determined by rational voting without commitment among individuals of different types and income realizations. We find that redistribution is too persistent relative to that chosen by a planner with commitment. The difference is larger, the lower is the political influence of young agents, the lower is the altruistic concern...

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English / 01/10/2005

Auszeichnungen: Ein Vernachlässigter Anreiz

Laut ökonomischer Standardtheorie sollen Arbeitsanreize mittels Geldzahlungen vermittelt werden. Materielle Anreize in nicht-monetärer Form sind demgegenüber weniger effizient, sind aber dennoch weit verbreitet. Auszeichnungen in Form von Titeln, Orden, Medaillen und Ehrungen (Preisen) wurden bisher nicht beachtet. Es handelt sich dabei um extrinsische, nicht-materielle Anreize die...

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English / 01/10/2005

Unique Equilibria in the Rubinstein Bargaining Model when the Payoff Set is Non-Convex

I give necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of the equilibrium in a wide class of Rubinstein bargaining models. The requirements encompass a class of non-convex or disconnected payoff sets with discontinuous Pareto frontiers. The equilibrium of the non-cooperative game is unique if the objective function of the corresponding Nash-bargaining game has a unique maximum...

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English / 01/10/2005

The Relevance of Procedural Utility for Economics

This paper aims at showing the relevance of procedural utility for economics: people do not only care about outcomes, as usually assumed in economics, they also value the processes and conditions leading to outcomes. The psychological foundations of procedural utility are outlined and it is discussed how the concept differs from other related approaches in economics, like outcome...

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English / 01/10/2005

Did Nordic Countries Recognize the Gathering Storm of World War II? Evidence from the Bond Markets

This paper analyzes and compares different ways of assessing how people perceived impending threats of war in the past. Conventional Nordic historiography of World War IInclaims there were few, if any, people in the Nordic countries who perceived a significantlynincreased threat of war between 1938 and early 1940. At the same time, historical methodsnface problems when it comes to...

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English / 01/10/2005

Secondary School Track Selection of Single - Parent Children Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel

In present day Germany, one in seven children is raised in a single parent household. We investigate the effect of single parenthood on children’s educational attainment, measured by the school track at the age 14, using ordered probit models. We study whether the effect of living in single parenthood during early or late childhood differs. Finally, we ask whether the family effect...

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English / 01/10/2005

Swing-Optionen im Elektrizitätsmarkt - Bewertung und optimale Ausübung komplexer Stromderivate

Die im Elektrizitätsmarkt als Swing-Optionen bekannten Derivate sind hinsichtlich ihres Charakters und ihrer Einsatzgebiete klassischen Call- und Put-Optionen aus der Finanzwelt ähnlich. So geben Swing-Optionen dem Optionshalter das Recht, während der vereinbarten Ausübungsperiode Energie zu einem vertraglich festgelegten Preis zu kaufen (Call) oder zu verkaufen (Put). Analog den...

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Deutsch / 01/10/2005

Impact of Fund Size on Hedge Fund Performance

This paper investigates whether the increase in assets flowing into the hedge fund industry diminishes returns and, in particular, whether larger hedge funds underperform smaller hedge funds, as is often conjectured, owing to limited capacity in certain hedge fund strategies. The impact of fund sizes is analysed with respect to fund returns, standard deviations, Sharpe ratios and...

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English / 01/10/2005

The lack of consensus in strategic consensus research: Advancing theory and research

The purpose of this article is to describe the theoretical and methodological reasons for the inconsistent findings on the value of strategic consensus. This analysis suggests the need for (a) definitions of consensus that align the locus and content of agreement with the study context and theoretical premises; (b) measures of consensus that take account of locus as well as...

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English / 01/10/2005

Corporate Strategy and Political Economy in a World Free of Dumping

Over the last twenty years many countries have enacted and begun using antidumping legislation. These laws seek, amongst other goals, to deter injurious dumping. In this paper I describe some of the consequences for corporate decision-making and for the political economy of reforms if antidumping laws succeed in deterring dumping in the first place. Understanding these potential...

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English / 13/09/2005

Dynamic Replication of Non-Maturing Assets and Liabilities

Non-maturing assets and liabilities (NoMALs) are those positions in a bank's balance that have no contractual maturity such as traditional savings deposits. For the calculation of transfer prices and the quantification of interest rate risk, a fix maturity profile must be assigned to a NoMAL position. Usually a replicating portfolio of fixed-income instruments with constant...

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English / 07/09/2005

Using revealed preferences to infer environmental benefits, evidence from recreational fishing licenses

We develop and apply a new method for estimating the economic benefits of an environmental amenity. The method is based upon the notion of estimating the derived demand for a privately traded option to utilize an open access good. In particular, the demand for state fishing licenses is used to infer the benefits of recreational fishing. Using panel data on state fishing license sales...

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English / 01/09/2005

The ageing of society, health services provision and taxes

This paper investigates the outcome of ageing on taxes and hospitalisation of the elderly using panel data on 23 Swedish county councils 1980–1999. We test two hypotheses; whether a larger share of elderly has no negative effect on bed days per elderly person and no positive effect on tax rates. We reject the first hypothesis but fail to reject the second hypothesis. Further we...

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English / 01/09/2005


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