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Avoiding Data Snooping in Multilevel and Mixed Effects Models

"Multilevel or mixed effects models are commonly applied to hierarchical data; for example,nsee Goldstein (2003), Raudenbush and Bryk (2002), and Laird and Ware (1982). Although therenexist many outputs from such an analysis, the level-2 residuals, otherwise known as randomneffects, are often of both substantive and diagnostic interest. Substantively, they are frequently used...

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English / 01/12/2005

Does subsidised temporary employment get the unemployed back to work? An econometric analysis of two different schemes

Not available in German. Subsidised employment is an important tool of active labour market policies to improve the chances of the unemployed to find permanent employment. Using informative individual administrative data we investigate the effects of two different schemes of subsidised temporary employment implemented in Switzerland. One scheme operates as a non-profit employment...

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English / 01/12/2005

Schützt das Arbeitsrecht Journalisten und Journalistinnen genügend?

Les règles déontologiques exigent de l'indépendance de la part des journalistes. Mais en général, ces derniers sont dépendants des entreprises de médias sur le plan économique. La plupart du temps, ils sont liés auxdites entreprises par un rapport de travail. Il n'existe toutefois aucune protection contre le licenciement assurant l'emploi.
L'opinion publique...

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Deutsch / 01/12/2005

Validity of resume reviewers' inferences concerning applicant personality based on resume evaluation

Recruiters infer personal traits from job applicants' resumés and use these inferences in evaluating job applicants' employability. No research to date, however, has determined if resumé reviewers' inferences of applicants' personality drawn solely from resumé biographical data are valid. In the present study, resumé reviewers (N=52) examined one of two applicant...

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English / 01/12/2005

Cross-cultural differences in norm enforcement

We argue that the lack of large cross-cultural differences in many games with student subjects from developed countries may be due to the games studied. These games tap primarily basic psychological reactions, like fairness, and reciprocity. Once we look at norm-enforcement, in particular punishment, we find large differences even among culturally rather homogeneous student groups...

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English / 01/12/2005

An IFRS 2 and FASB 123 (R) Compatible Model for the Valuation of Employee Stock Options

We show how employee stock options can be valued under the new reporting standards IFRS 2 and FASB 123 (revised) for share-based payments. Both standards require companies to expense employee stock options at fair value. We propose a new valuation model, referred to as Enhanced American model, that complies with the new standards and produces fair values often lower than those...

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English / 01/12/2005

Deckungsbeitragsrechnung und ganzzahlige Programmierung

1. Ausgangssituation und Planungsvorgaben
2. Operationalisierung und Diskussion der Planungsvorgaben
3. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung und die Fiktion konstanter Stückdeckungsbeiträge
4. Ansatz der gemischt ganzzahligen Programmierung
5. Lösung mit dem Excel-Solver

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Deutsch / 01/12/2005

Money Illusion Under Test

Much progress has been made in recent years in developing and applying a direct measure of utility using survey questions on satisfaction with income and with life in general. In this paper we apply this new type of measurement to the study of money illusion. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel for the years 1993 to 2003, we cannot reject the hypothesis of no money...

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English / 01/11/2005

Protecting Cultural Monuments Against Terrorism

Famous cultural monuments are often regarded as unique icons, making them an attractive target for terrorists. Despite huge military and police outlays, terrorist attacks on important monuments can hardly be avoided. We argue that an effective strategy for discouraging terrorist attacks on iconic monuments is for the government to show a firm commitment to swift reconstruction. Using...

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English / 01/11/2005

Zwei Utopien jenseits des Weltstaates und der Anarchie

"To overcome problems produced by globalization, some people see the solution in a WorldnGovernment while others see it in an autarchic global market without any governmentnintervention. Both solutions are rejected due to their major shortcomings. Two superiornsolutions are proposed: (1) A net of Functional, Overlapping Democratic Jurisdictions (FOCJ)nconfirming to a geography...

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English / 01/11/2005

Cost Sharing in Health Insurance: An Instrument for Risk Selection?

Health insurance is potentially subject to risk selection, i.e. adverse selection on the part of consumers and cream skimming on the part of insurers. Adverse selection models predict that competitive health insurers can eschew high-risk individuals by o¤ering contracts with low deductibles or co-payment rates, while attracting low-risk individuals with higher copayments, resulting...

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English / 01/11/2005

Free knowledge sharing in an open internet community: the case of Wikipedia

In this paper, the concept of a private-collective innovation model that has been applied to Open Source Software
projects will be used to analyze the case of the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. The work suggests that the
implications drawn in a software development context hold as well in different community based collaboration
contexts. Endorsing the...

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Deutsch / 23/10/2005

Haftung des Piloten : Wichtige Änderungen für Passagierflüge

Befördert ein Pilot mit seinem Luftfahrzeug einen Passagier, so muss er die massgebenden Vorschriften bezüglich Haftung und Versicherung sowie Flugschein kennen. Dies hat bereits bisher zu zahlreichen Fragen Anlass gegeben trotz konkreten Vorschriften im Lufttransportreglement (LTrR). Mit Wirkung per 5. September 2005 wurde dieses Reglement nun komplett aufgehoben und durch eine neue...

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Deutsch / 15/10/2005


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