Organisations internationales

Europäisierung der Öffentlichkeit als Legitimitätsbedingung der EU

Die Europäisierung der Schweizer Öffentlichkeit

The Idea of the Binational State. An institutional Analysis


It is argued that the binational state model is and should be considered as a model sui generis. Concentrating on three levels of analysis (recognition, autonomy, and authority i.e the majority prolem), an operational definition of binationalism allows for an idealtypical discussion of the homogeneity problem and the question of state sovereignty, showing that the problem of power imbalance (assymetry) is, in fact, a theoretical (and concrete) impasse, leading usually to the conclusion of "impossibility" of the binational state construction. However, an attempt to define the aforesaid symmetry/asymmetry (as drawn from Constraint Theory) in terms of stability of outcomes rather than in terms of power exclusively, offers a perspective that does not condemn the binational state model as fatally precarious.

"Hegel à Genève: discite iustitiam moniti"

Urban networks and network theory: the city as the connector of multiple networks

Power and Conflict in the Swiss Political Elite: An Aggregation of Existing Network Analyses

Redesigning Social Inquiry: Fuzzy Sets and Beyond / Configurational Comparative Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques

The Silent Reform of Swiss Federalism: The New Constitutional Articles on Education

Collective bargaining between decentralization and stability: a sectoral model explaining the Swiss experience during the 1990s

The Class Basis of Switzerlands Cleavage between the New Left and the Populist Right


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