Understanding stigma: a communal perspective for overweight consumers



Sayarh Lebbar, Nada


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This work provides a deeper understanding of how overweight stigma operates in a collective context. I investigate a French online community of overweight women. First, I identify the elements that contribute to experiencing the stigma of overweight and how they interact with consumption. Then, I look at the role of the community for consumers that have distanced themselves from the market. I explain how joining a community of similar others can change consumer coping from avoidance to approach. Finally, I discuss how communities contribute to approaching the market. I identify the communal practices that operate this change. I also identify how these practices are able to reverse the stigma process. In summary, this dissertation explores how an online community can have destigmatisation effects. It sheds light on a new role of the community and how it supports the market and improves consumer well-being.

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