Publications des institutions partenaires

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Fair-Value-Bewertung und die aktuelle Finanzkrise

Das Fair-Value-Konzept ist in die Kritik geraten. Tatsächlich gibt es ernstzunehmende Argumente, die dafür sprechen,
dass die derzeitige Finanzkrise durch die Fair-Value-Bewertung verschärft worden sein könnte. Der vorliegende Beitrag beleuchtet die aktuelle Diskussion.

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Deutsch / 01/01/2008

Unternehmensethik und Corporate Social Responsibility: Herausforderungen an die Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Die Debatte um die Rolle von Unternehmensethik und Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ist in der BWL und in der Wirtschaftspraxis neu entbrannt. Die Frage, ob und in welcher Weise das Fach in Lehre und Forschung Unternehmensethik aufgreifen und integrieren sollte, wird erneut heftig diskutiert. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden einlei-tend verschiedene Hintergründe und Dimensionen...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2008

Semantic Enrichment of Scene Graphs for Task Based Adaptation in 3D User Interfaces: A Proposal

There are currently no well-established techniques or tools to build adaptive 3D user interfaces. The aim of this research is to overcome identified shortcomings by providing a model and framework for the semantic enrichment of scene graphs for task based adaptation in 3D user interfaces. The semantic enrichment of scenes can play an extremely important role in enabling the viewers...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Designing Self-Organization for Evolvable Assembly Systems

Current solutions for industrial manufacturing assembly systems do not suit the needs of mass customization industry, which is facing low production volumes, many variants and rapidly changing conditions. This paper proposes the concept of self-organizing evolvable assembly systems, where assembly system modules and product parts to be assembled self-organize and self-adapt (among...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Power- and Delay-Aware Mobile Application-Data Flow Adaptation: the MobiHealth System Case Study

Emerging healthcare applications rely on personal mobile devices to monitor patient vital signs and to send it to the hospitals-backend servers for further analysis. However, these personal mobile devices have limited resources that must be used optimally in order to meet the requirements of healthcare applications end-users: healthcare professionals and their patients. This paper...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Exploring the effects of competition for railway markets

This paper studies the effects of introducing competition for local passenger railway markets in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. We compare the evolution of the frequency of service on lines that were exposed to competition for the market with lines procured by direct negotiations with the incumbent. Our results suggest that the competitively procured lines enjoyed a stronger...

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English / 01/01/2008

PlayMancer: A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment

Serious games are about to enter the medical sector to give people with behavioural or addictive disorders the ability to use them as part of health promotion and disease prevention. The PlayMancer framework will support physical rehabilitations and psycho-education programs thru a modular multiplayer networked 3D game based on the Universally Accessible Games (UA games) guidelines...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Proceedings of the Second ERCIM Workshop on eMobility

ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. In the ERCIM eMobility workshop, current progress and future developments in the area of eMobility should be discussed and the existing gap between theory and application closed. This...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Hovering Information : Infrastructure-Free Self-Organising Location-Aware Information Dissemination Service

This paper proposes a location-based service for disseminating geo-localised information generated by and aimed at mobile users. The service itself works in a self-organising manner. A piece of hovering information is attached to a geographical point, called the anchor location, and to its vicinity area, called the anchor area. It is responsible for keeping itself alive, available...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Analysis of Context-Aware Network Selection Schemes for Power Savings

Socio-technical developments in computing have resulted in the emergence of innovative mobile systems which exploit the information available on the Internet to optimize the performance of hosted applications and services. One of the challenges in the real-time critical mobile applications such as remote patient monitoring is to ensure optimal power usage. We consider herewith a case...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Power-and Delay-Aware Mobile Application-Data Flow Adaptation: the MobiHealth system case study

Emerging healthcare applications rely on personal mobile devices to monitor patient vital signs and to send it to the hospitals-backend servers for further analysis. However, these devices have limited resources that must be used optimally in order to meet the requirements of healthcare applications end-users: healthcare professionals and their patients. This paper reports on a case...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

The trade structure effects of endogenous regional trade agreements

This paper formulates an empirical model to estimate the impact of endogenous new regional trade agreement (RTA) membership on trade structure. The likelihood of new RTA membership is influenced by economic fundamentals such as country size, factor endowments, and trade and investment costs. In a sample of country-pairs covering mainly the OECD economies we find a particularly strong...

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English / 01/01/2008

International fragmentation: boon or bane for domestic employment?

In this paper, we introduce the fairness approach to efficiency wages into a standard model of international fragmentation. This gives us a theoretical framework in which wage inequality and unemployment rates are co-determined and therefore the public concern can be addressed that international fragmentation and outsourcing to low wage countries lead to domestic job-losses. We...

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English / 01/01/2008

Entry in liberalized railway markets: the German experience

In Germany, competitive franchising is increasingly being used to procure passenger railway services that were previously provided by a state monopolist. This paper analyzes 77 tenders that differ with respect to network size, service frequency, contract duration and the proximity to other lines that are already run by competitors of DB Regio, a subsidiary of the successor of the...

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English / 01/01/2008

Wie schneiden Sie ab?: Studie über Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten bei mittelgrossen Unternehmen, Spitälern und Hochschulen in der Schweiz

Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten unterstützen den Verwaltungsrat und die Geschäftsleitung bei der Steuerung und Kontrolle des Unternehmens. Bei mittelgrossen Unternehmen ist aufgrund der begrenzten personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen ein effektiver und effizienter Einsatz dieser Aktivitäten unerlässlich. Auch bei Spitälern und Hochschulen gewinnen Kontroll- und...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2008


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