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New fathers and mothers as gender troublemakers? Exploring discursive constructions of heterosexual parenthood and their subversive potential

Current constructions of heterosexual parenthood in western societies seem to be trapped in a change-retention dilemma. Many elements have changed, but many others have stayed the same. Although ‘new fathers' do change diapers, the mother is very often seen as the ‘main parent'. Parenthood is still constructed along the heterosexual gender binary that equates women with...

English / 01/05/2008

Does the Measure Matter in the Mutual Fund Industry?

It is frequently noted that investment funds with a nonnormal return distribution cannot be adequately evaluated using the classic Sharpe ratio. However, recent research compared the Sharpe ratio with other performance measures and found virtually identical rank ordering using hedge fund data. We extend this research by analyzing a large data set of 38,954 funds investing in seven...

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English / 01/05/2008

Disentangling alliance management processes: decision making, politicality, and alliance performance

Using a sample of 106 organizations engaged in strategic alliances, we develop and test a framework of alliance-related organizational decision-making processes and their impact on alli-ance performance. With regard to direct effects, our results show a negative impact of decision-making recursiveness and no significant relationship for openness and procedural rationality....

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English / 01/05/2008

Zeit: schenken - haben - fordern

Unternehmer haben die Aufgabe - je nach Situation und Überzeugung -, das Tempo der Mitarbeitenden zu erhöhen oder zu reduzieren

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Deutsch / 29/04/2008

Fehler und Fallen in der Erkennung und Diagnostik von Risiken

Stress und kurzfristiges Denken sind Gift für die Wahrnehmung von Risiken. Um diese zu erkennen, ist Weitsicht, langfristiges Denken und ein gewisses Mass an Selbstkritik notwendig.

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Deutsch / 25/04/2008


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