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Range Effects and Lottery Pricing

A standard method to elicit certainty equivalents is the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) procedure. We compare the standard BDM procedure and a BDM procedure with a restricted range of minimum selling prices that an individual can state. We find that elicited prices are systematically affected by the range of feasible minimum selling prices. Expected utility theory cannot explain these...

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English / 01/04/2008

Probabilistic Choice and Stochastic Dominance

This paper presents an axiomatic model of probabilistic choice under risk. In this model, when it comes to choosing one lottery over another, each alternative has a chance of being selected, unless one lottery stochastically dominates the other. An individual behaves as if he compares lotteries to a reference lottery—a least upper bound or a greatest lower boundnin terms of weak...

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English / 01/04/2008

Central Bank Design with Heterogeneous Agents

We study alternative institutional arrangements for the determination of monetary policy in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents,nwhere monetary policy has redistributive effects. Inflation is determined by a policy board using either simple-majority voting, supermajority voting, ornbargaining. We compare the equilibrium inflation rates to the first-best allocation...

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English / 01/04/2008

Effects of Firm Size and Business Cycle on Earning Losses of Displaced Workers

This paper analyzes labor market success of workers who are displaced in boom versus recession periods. Moreover, the empirical analysis contrasts workers from small firms and large firms. The idea is that displacement carries no information about workers' productivity in large firms but is a signal of low productivity in small firms. This signal is stronger when the plant...

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English / 01/04/2008

The Value of a Statistical Injury: New Evidence from the Swiss Labor Market.

This paper deals with the compensation for non-fatal accident risk in Switzerland and presents empirical estimates of the value of a statistical injury. We approach the problem of endogenous sorting of workers into jobs with different accident risks based on unobserved productivity differences twofold. First, we have access to the number of accidents not only at the level of...

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English / 01/04/2008

The Power of Positional Concerns

People care a great deal about their relative economic position and not solely about their absolute economic position. However, behavioral evidence is rare. This paper provides evidence on how the relative income position affectsnprofessional sports performances. Our analysis suggests that if a player’s salary is below the average and this difference increases, his performance...

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English / 01/04/2008

Risk Aversion

Risk aversion is traditionally defined in the context of lotteries over monetary payoffs. This paper extends the notion of risk aversion to a more general setup where outcomes (consequences) may not be measurable in monetary terms and people may have fuzzy preferences over lotteries, i.e. they may choose in a probabilistic manner. The paper considers comparative risk aversion within...

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English / 01/04/2008

Smart Account Management : Erfolg mit kleinen Geschäften im B-to-B marketing

Es lohnt sich, das Management von kleinen Geschäften und Kunden zu optimieren. Dieser Beitrag zeigt einige Ergebnisse des Arbeitsteams "B-to-B-Marketing , das sich im Rahmen der Forschungskooperation "Dialogmarketing ,revisited' damit beschäftigt hat, wie Unternehmen auch im Kleinkunden-Segment profitables Wachstum erzielen.

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Deutsch / 01/04/2008

Valuation of default-sensitive claims under imperfect information

We propose a valuation method for financial assets subject to default risk, where investors cannot observe the state variable triggering the default but observe a correlated price process. The model is sufficiently general to encompass a large class of structural models and can be seen as a generalization of the model of Duffie and Lando (Econometrica 69:633–664, [2001]). In this...

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English / 01/04/2008

Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and the Costs of Corporate Taxation

Depending on the definition of the tax base, the statutory corporate tax rate implies rather different measures of effective average and marginal tax rates. This paper develops a model of a monopolistically competitive industry with extensive and intensive business investment and shows how these margins respond to changes in average and marginal corporate tax rates. Intensive...

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English / 01/04/2008

Sustainability of Swiss Fiscal Policy

We examine whether Swiss federal fiscal policy was sustainable over the period from 1900 to 2002. We perform unit root and cointegration tests for federal revenues and expenditures, taking into account a structural shift in the budgetary process related to World War II. We find sustainability over the entire period. However, splitting the sample into two sub-samples before and after...

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English / 01/04/2008

Nutzenmessung bei öffentlichen Gütern: Konzeptionelle und empirische Probleme in der Praxis

Die Abwägung von Kosten und Nutzen spielt bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter eine zentrale Rolle. Mithilfe welcher Methode lässt sich der Nutzen öffentlicher Güter am besten schätzen? Welche typischen konzeptionellen und empirischen Probleme treten bei den einzelnen Schätzmethoden häufig auf?

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Deutsch / 28/03/2008

Der Olympiaboykott als Strategie für Trittbrettfahrer: Die Sommerspiele in Peking erzeugen weltweite Aufmerksamkeit und werden deshalb auch für politische Zwecke instrumentalisiert

Aus ökonomischer Sicht handeln die Demonstranten in Tibet angesichts der Forderung, auf den dortigen Konflikt mit einem Boykott der Olympischen Sommerspiele in Peking zu reagieren, als Trittbrettfahrer. Sie erzeugen Aufmerksamkeit für ihre Zwecke und stürzen die chinesische Zentralregierung sowie das IOK in einen Reputationskonflikt.

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Deutsch / 28/03/2008

Understanding others: empathy and cognitive perspective taking in the human brain

After defining “cognitive perspective taking” and “empathy” we will review the main results of neuroscientific studies of the human ability to understand other people's intentions, beliefs, and experiences. We will then present several fMRI studies investigating empathic brain responses elicited by the observation of others in pain and show how these empathic brain responses are...

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English / 27/03/2008

A Caseworker Like Me -Does The Similarity Between Unemployed And Caseworker Increase Job Placments?

This paper examines whether the chances of job placements improve if unemployed persons are counselled by caseworkers who belong to the same social group, defined by gender, age, education, and nationality. Based on an unusually informative dataset, which links Swiss unemployed to their caseworkers, we find positive employment effects of about 4 percentage points if caseworker and...

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English / 27/03/2008

Organising for Sustainability

The issue of ecological sustainability has been addressed in various contexts - local, regional and worldwide. This paper postulates that sustainability can be achieved only if actors at multiple levels cooperate towards the vision of a sustainable world. For this purpose, the structure of a model is presented, which shows how the efforts for sustainability can be organised in a more...

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Deutsch / 23/03/2008

Finanzmärkte brauchen eine klarere Sprache: unangemessene Strukturen und unvollständige Informationen

Der Dimension der Märkte und der Grösse der Institutionen nicht angemessene Strukturen, unvollständige Informationen über Positionen und Risiken sowie nicht adäquate Anreizstrukturen haben in eine tiefe Finanzkrise geführt. Die Rückkehr zur Normalität könnte Jahre dauern und wird teuer zu stehen kommen.

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Deutsch / 22/03/2008


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