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Allgegenwart der Finanzen: «Geld regiert die Welt»

Gedanken aus der Abschiedsvorlesung zum Thema «Geld
und Geist – oder: Von Mäusen und Menschen», gehalten am
22. Mai 2008 an der Universität Zürich.

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Deutsch / 01/08/2008

Kombination von beruflicher und akademischer Ausbildung

Wer eine berufliche und eine akademische Ausbildung kombiniert, wird vom Arbeitsmarkt belohnt. Das gilt insbesondere für die Laufbahn als Unternehmerin
oder Unternehmer. Für diese ist demgegenüber das zukünftige Einkommen unsicherer als für Arbeitnehmende. Werden die Passerellen zwischen den beiden Bildungstypen weiter erleichtert, dürfte die Bildungsrendite noch steigen.

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Deutsch / 01/08/2008

Neue Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung vertraulicher amtlicher Personen- und Firmendaten

Researchers in Germany have nowadays access to confidential micro data compiled from official statistics in a way that could not have been dreamt of just a few years ago. This paper describes the new institutions that grant data access – most importantly the research data centers located inside the data producing agencies – and how to access the micro data, and presents information...

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Deutsch / 01/08/2008

The effect of marginal cost elasticity on competitive balance

This article presents a model of talent investments where two clubs compete for prizes. Our model is based on a general class of cost functions with a constant elasticity of marginal costs with respect to investments. The analysis finds that reduced revenue sharing improves competitive balance. Furthermore, we show that a higher elasticity of marginal costs with respect to...

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English / 01/08/2008

Time-course of “off-line” prefrontal rTMS effects — a PET study

Low frequency “off-line” repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the course of several minutes has attained considerable attention as a research tool in cognitive neuroscience due to its ability to induce functional disruptions of brain areas. This disruptive rTMS effect is highly valuable for revealing a causal relationship between brain and behavior. However, its...

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English / 01/08/2008

Nonlinear dynamic causal models for fMRI

Models of effective connectivity characterize the influence that neuronal populations exert over each other. Additionally, some approaches, for example Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) and variants of Structural Equation Modelling, describe how effective connectivity is modulated by experimental manipulations. Mathematically, both are based on bilinear equations, where the bilinear...

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English / 01/08/2008

The Brain Connectivity Workshops: moving the frontiers of computational systems neuroscience

Understanding the link between neurobiology and cognition requires that neuroscience moves beyond mere structure-function correlations. An explicit systems perspective is needed in which putative mechanisms of how brain function is
constrained by brain structure are mathematically formalized and made accessible for experimental investigation. Such a systems approach critically...

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English / 01/08/2008

Bayesian estimation of synaptic physiology from the spectral responses of neural masses

We describe a Bayesian inference scheme for quantifying the active physiology of neuronal ensembles using local field recordings of synaptic potentials. This entails the inversion of a generative neural mass model of
steady-state spectral activity. The inversion uses Expectation Maximization (EM) to furnish the posterior probability of key synaptic parameters and the marginal...

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English / 01/08/2008

Perspective taking is associated with specific facial responses during empathy for pain

Witnessing the distress of others can result both in empathy and personal distress. Perspective-taking has been assigned a major role in the elicitation and modulation of these vicarious responses. However, little is known about how perspective-taking affects the psychophysiological correlates of empathy vs. personal distress. We recorded facial electromyographic and...

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English / 01/08/2008

Preference Reversals and Probabilistic Choice

Preference reversals occur when different (but formally equivalent) elicitation methodsnreveal conflicting preferences over two alternatives. This paper shows that when people have fuzzy preferences i.e. when they choose in a probabilistic manner, their observed decisions can generate systematic preference reversals. A simple model of probabilistic choice and valuation can account...

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English / 01/08/2008

The Risk Premium on the Euro Area Market Portfolio: The Role of Real Estate

Incomplete consumption risk sharing implies that the market risk premium is high in times of lack of risk sharing and vice versa. In the time period from 1980 to 2007, this implication of incomplete consumption risk sharing for the market price of risk is not mirrored in excess returns on stocks but in returns on real estate both in the Euro Area and in the U.S. This finding thus...

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English / 01/08/2008

A pioneer of a new monetary policy? Sweden's price level targeting of the 1930s revisited

The paper re-examines Sweden’s price level targeting during the 1930s which is regarded as a precursor of today’s inflation targeting. According to conventional wisdom the Riksbank was the first central bank to adopt price level targeting as the guideline for its activities, although in practice giving priority to exchange rate stabilisation over price level stabilisation. On the...

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English / 01/08/2008

Online-Erhebungen - Chancen und Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von Feedbackprozessen

Die Aus- und Weiterbildung wird in Dienstleistungsgesellschaften zum Wettbewerbs- und Standortvorteil. Im Personalwesen rückt das Auffinden und Binden von geeigneten Mitarbeitern immer stärker in den Mittelpunkt (Personalmarketing, Employee Branding).
Kommunikation und Information findet zunehmend im und über das Internet statt; daher
gewinnen Online-Erhebungen als...

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Deutsch / 01/08/2008

M&A-Aktivitäten in Deutschland im ersten Halbjahr 2008: Steigende Deal-Anzahl bei fallenden Transaktionsvolumina

Die weltweite Finanzkrise und ihre Folgen bestimmten im ersten Halbjahr 2008 die Schlagzeilen in der Wirtschaftspresse. Banken mussten Abschreibungen in Milliardenhöhe vornehmen, und auch für die Realwirtschaft sind die Auswirkungen der Krise mittlerweile spürbar; nicht nur in den USA sondern auch in Deutschland wächst die Angst vor einer Rezession. Keineswegs unabhängig von den...

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Deutsch / 01/08/2008

Nachhaltigkeit einbeziehen: der Economic Sustainability Indicator verfeinert übliche Bewertungsmethoden

Heute zeichnen sich verschiedene bedeutende langfristige Veränderungen ab, beispielsweise des globalen Klimas, der Energiepreise oder der demografischen Zusammensetzung der Gesellschaft. Diese Entwicklungen können den Wert einer Immobilie beträchtlich beeinflussen, werden aber in heutigen Bewertungen in der Regel gar nicht oder nicht explizit berücksichtigt. Im Rahmen eines Projektes...

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Deutsch / 01/08/2008


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