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System Dynamics and Cybernetics: A Necessary Synergy

In line with the conference theme - "Collegiality" - the authors propose to build a bridge between two Systems Approaches, namely System Dynamics (SD) and Management Cybernetics (MC). This synthesis is aimed at opening a path for a better capability to deal with complex issues of actors in both organizations and society. With their resprctive strengths - modelling and...

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English / 08/07/2004

Yes, Managers Should be Paid Like Bureaucrats

"Corporate scandals, reflected in excessive management compensation and fraudulent accounts, cause great damage. Agency theory’s insistence to link the compensation of mangers and directors as closely as possible to firm performance is a major reason for these scandals.nThey cannot be overcome by improving variable pay for performance as selfish extrinsicnmotivation is...

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English / 01/07/2004

Mergers under Asymmetric Information Is there a Lemons Problem?

We analyze a Bayesian merger game under two-sided asymmetric information about firm types. We show that the standard prediction of the lemons market model–if any, only low-type firms are traded–is likely to be misleading: Merger returns, i.e. the difference between pre- and post-merger profits, are not necessarily higher for low-type firms. This has two implications. First, under...

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English / 01/07/2004

What if the Fed Had Been an Inflation Nutter?

A structural rational expectations model of U.S. monetary policy is used to make a counterfactual experiment of a strongly inflation averse Federal Reserve Bank. Results for U.S. interest rates, output, and inflation over 1965-1999 are discussed.

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English / 01/07/2004


Auf der Suche nach neuen Anlagemöglichkeiten rücken seit einigen Jahren zunehmend alternative Investments in das Blickfeld der Investoren an den Kapitalmärkten. Als Alternative zu traditionellen Investments z.B. in Aktien oder Anleihen haben neben Private Equity und Managed Futures insbesondere Hedgefonds eine hohe Popularität erreicht und sind Gegenstand kontroverser Diskussionen in...

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Deutsch / 01/07/2004

Nicht ohne die Mitarbeiter

Bei Merger und Acquisition dominieren in der Praxis meist technische
Themen wie die rechtlichen Aspekte oder die unterschiedlichen Arten einer
Due Diligence. Personalaspekte werden oft erst im Rahmen der
Post-Merger-Integration behandelt. Dabei hängt der Erfolg einer Übernahme
ganz wesentlich von dem frühzeitigen Eingreifen und richtigen Handeln der

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Deutsch / 01/07/2004

Methodologies in conflict: achieving synergies between system dynamics and organizational cybernetics

Coping with complexity is at the heart of the systems approach. Several methodologies can be discerned which have proved to possess extraordinary power in dealing with complex issues. System dynamics is a general-purpose methodology for modelling and simulation employed in order to deal with dynamic complexity. Cybernetics has brought forth structural models to enable organizations...

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English / 01/07/2004

Organisches Wachstum - mehr als ein Modewort?

- Konzerne definieren ihre Ziele neu
- Applaus der Aktionäre
- Theorie steht erst am Anfang

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Deutsch / 09/06/2004

The WTO Rules That We Deserve? Comment on Professor Morrissey's chapter

In recent years, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has come under sustained attack from many academics and other observers. Many of the arguments employed in this attack are found in Professor Morrissey's paper and the purpose of this comment is to critically examine them. Professor Morrissey's principal argument is that the likelihood of successfully completing...

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English / 04/06/2004

Beyond Outcomes: Measuring Procedural Utility (final version)

"People not only obtain utility from actual outcomes but also from the conditions which lead to these outcomes. The paper proposes an economic concept of this notion of procedural utility. Preferences beyond outcome can be manifold. We distinguish proceduralnutility people get from institutions as such, i.e. from how allocative and redistributive decisions are taken, procedural...

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English / 01/06/2004

Happiness Research: State and Prospects

This paper intends to provide an evaluation of where the economic research on happiness stands and in which interesting directions it might develop. First, the current state of the research on happiness in economics is briefly discussed. We emphasize the potential of happiness research in testing competing theories of individual behavior. Second, the crucial issue of causality is...

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English / 01/06/2004

Fairness and Incentives in a Multi-Task Principal-Agent Model

This paper reports on a two-task principal-agent experiment in which only one task is contractible. The principal can either offer a piece-rate contract or a (voluntary) bonus to the agent. Bonus contracts strongly outperform piece rate contracts. Many principals reward high efforts on both tasks with substantial bonuses. Agents anticipate this and provide high efforts on both tasks...

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English / 01/06/2004


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