The personalization of the educational ecosystem through the inclusion of Web 2.0 tools


Charlesworth, Zarina



This paper presents initial results from an action research project examining the use of Web 2.0 tools in the higher education classroom to foster collaborat ive learning as well to permit the personalization of the learning space thus better answering to a student’s individual differences in learning. The research has been conducted at a Swiss institute of higher educa tion amongst first-year degree students (n=85) following a course in business administration. In addition to the qualitative findings which relate primarily to the course delivery and student perception thereof, the quantitative PPI-IvT (Lee & Tsai, 2011) instrument has been used to measure student perception of their ability in the areas of collabor ation, self-regulation and information-seeking. The findings suggest, perhaps surprisingly, that today’s digital natives are not all that at ease with using Web 2.0 technologies for learning and that they are more in their comfort zone in a traditional classroom. The findings do also support the idea that the Web 2.0 class room provides more possibilities for collaborative learning. In terms of personalizing their educational ecosystem students, at least at the outset of highe reducation, do not seem to have sufficient experie nce to take initiative on this. We conclude by suggesting directions for further academic inquiry.

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