MedRed: a health-care data acquisition service for research purposes


Calbimonte, Jean-Paul


Research in the health-care domain requires the collection of important and exhaustive datasets, in order to validate a scientific hypothesis, or to assess the effectiveness of a treatment, technology, medicine, or procedure. The data acquisition phase for this type of work requires an often under-estimated amount of time and effort, while needing to keep high quality standards for the entire process. Many of the tasks associated with data acquisition are often carried out manually, resulting in error-prone procedures, hand-transcription, inaccuracy, and time delays to produce a resulting usable dataset. This paper presents MedRed (Medical Research Data Acquisition Platform ), a platform and a service designed to facilitate the data acquisition process for researchers in the health-care do-main, using the REDCap software for data capture. This service is available in a first stage, for all scientists of the HES-SO (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland) schools in Switzerland, and partially supported by the SwissUniversities CUS-P2 program.

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