The CoWaBoo protocol and applications ::towards the learnable social semantic web


Priftis, Athanasios


Web platforms and applications are generating a normalized environment for users to consume information. This process of making the Internet experience “clickable” and “fun” comes at a price: we are less inclined to face important decisions on how applications work, data are handled, or how algorithms decide. This article will examine the possibility of shifting from predetermined results to open and descriptive applications. We inscribe this effort in the context of the Social Semantic Web (s2w) and aim to add a pragmatic approach relying on the importance of humanly created semantics, as a means to fulfil the vision of the s2w. To achieve this we have introduced a descriptive protocol (CoWaBoo) that revisits fundamental web user activities such as search, classification, group formation and valorization of participation. This article will build on the 2017 results from our university group course and, particularly, the prototype applications created through the API of CoWaBoo during the same period. Our aim is to shift our attention from how things end up on the web, to how things become, regarding software and applications development. The conclusions of this article will provide further questions for the development of the protocol (CoWaBoo), its applications and the competencies that we need to develop to become actors in the s2w.

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