Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung

Revisiting the effects of regional trade agreements on trade flows with proper specification of the gravity model


This paper uses a gravity model to assess ex-post regional trade agreements. The model includes 130 countries and is estimated with panel data over the period 1962–1996. The introduction of the correct number of dummy variables allows for identification of Vinerian trade creation and trade diversion effects, while the estimation method takes into account the unobservable characteristics of each pairs of trade partner countries, the endogeneity of some of the explanatory variables as well as a potential selection bias. In contrast to previous estimates, results show that regional agreements have generated a significant increase in trade between members, often at the expense of the rest of the world.

Regional Agreements and Welfare in the South: When Scale Economies in Transport Matter

Adaptation to climate change in Sub-Saharan agriculture: assessing the evidence and rethinking the drivers


In this paper, after a review of the evolution of the literature on climate change economics in agriculture, I present some evidence of the impact of different moments of the distribution of rainfall on farmers risk aversion. It is found that while more rainfall is negatively associated with the probability of observing risk aversion, rainfall variability is positively correlated. This result highlights an important behavioural dimension of climatic factors.

Economic incentives for pollution control in developing countries: what can we learn from the empirical literature?

On the value of agricultural biodiversity

Quantitative methods for the capability approach

A short comment on the JE Open forum essays

Going beyond functionings to capabilities: an econometric model to explain and estimate capabilities

Challenges facing econometrics in the 21st century

On endogeneity bias: some general remarks and correction of the ROIW paper by Bourguignon, Ferreira and Menendez (2007)


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