Banque nationale suisse

Rappel des billets de la 8e série

Données importantes de politique monétaire pour la semaine se terminant le 23 avril 2021

Opérations d'apport de liquidités en dollars des Etats-Unis à compter du 1er juillet 2021

Données importantes de politique monétaire pour la semaine se terminant le 16 avril 2021

WP - 2021-04-16 - Angela Abbate and Dominik Thaler: Optimal monetary policy with the risk-taking channel


Empirical research suggests that lower interest rates induce banks to take higher risks. We assess analytically what this risk-taking channel implies for optimal monetary policy in a tractable New Keynesian model. We show that this channel creates a motive for the planner to stabilize the real rate. This objective conflicts with the standard inflation stabilization objective. Optimal policy thus tolerates more inflation volatility. An inertial Taylor-type reaction function becomes optimal. We then quantify the significance of the risk-taking channel for monetary policy in an estimated medium-scale extension of the model. Ignoring the channel when designing policy entails non-negligible welfare costs (0.7% lifetime consumption equivalent).

WP - 2021-04-15 - Thomas Nitschka and Shajivan Satkurunathan: Habits die hard: implications for bond and stock markets internationally


This paper assesses whether the global fall in inflation expectations together with increased fear of recession, the economic mechanism that drives asset prices in a model with consumption habits, help to explain the downward trajectory in nominal government bond yields and the stock price dynamics of six major economies from 1988 to 2019. We calibrate the habit model for each country separately. For most countries, focusing the calibrations on matching average ten-year bond yields allows one to generate artificial time series of bond yields and price-consumption ratios that follow the long-run time series patterns of their counterparts in the data.

WP - 2021-04-13 - Lucas Marc Fuhrer and Nils Herger: Real interest rates and demographic developments across generations: A panel-data analysis over two centuries


This paper empirically examines the effect of population growth on long-term real interest rates. Although this effect is well founded in macroeconomic theory, the corresponding empirical results have been rather tenuous and surprisingly unstable. As the demographic interest rate impact is theoretically based on intergenerational relationships, we not only contemplate gross population growth rates but also distinguish between demographic growth resulting from a birth surplus and net migration. Within a panel covering 12 countries and the years since 1820, our results suggest that there is a positive, statistically significant, and stable effect from the birth surplus on real interest rates. Conversely, the corresponding effect of net migration seems to be much more volatile. Hence, our results suggest that it is mainly population growth occurring through a birth surplus that affects the equilibrium real interest rate.

Données importantes de politique monétaire pour la semaine se terminant le 9 avril 2021

Données importantes de politique monétaire pour la semaine se terminant le 2 avril 2021

Données importantes de politique monétaire pour la semaine se terminant le 26 mars 2021


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