Université de Zürich - Faculté des sciences économiques

The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models for customer base analysis


Bachmann, Patrick; Meierer, Markus; Näf, Jeffrey (2021). The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models for customer base analysis. Marketing Science:Epub ahead of print.

Porträt Tobias Straumann: Die verworrene Welt erklären


Als Journalist suchte er vergeblich nach Experten, die Wirtschaftskrisen
historisch reflektierten. Heute ist Tobias Straumann selbst preisgekrönter
Fachmann für Wirtschaftsgeschichte.

Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported


Khan, Saera R; Howe, Lauren (2020). Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported. Journal of Business Ethics:Epub ahead of print.

The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction


Kaiser, Ulrich; Kuhn, Johan M (2020). The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14:e00179.

How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the Workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance


Landis, Blaine; Fisher, Colin M; Menges, Jochen (2021). How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the Workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology:Epub ahead of print.

Forschende der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät entwickeln absturzsichere Drohne


Robotik-Forschende der Universität Zürich zeigen, wie Drohnen vor dem Absturz bewahrt werden, sollte einer von vier Rotoren ausfallen. Dank eingebauten Kameras fliegen die Drohnen auch ohne GPS stabil weiter.

Marital goals: Circular value-based model and measurement


Czyżkowska, Anna; Cieciuch, Jan (2020). Marital goals: Circular value-based model and measurement. Current Psychology:Epub ahead of print.

Type C Personality: Conceptual Refinement and Preliminary Operationalization


Rymarczyk, Karolina; Turbacz, Anna; Strus, Włodzimierz; Cieciuch, Jan (2020). Type C Personality: Conceptual Refinement and Preliminary Operationalization. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:552740.

The ambiguity of nestedness under soft and hard constraints


Bruno, Matteo; Saracco, Fabio; Tessone, Claudio J; Garlaschelli, Diego; Caldarelli, Guido (2020). The ambiguity of nestedness under soft and hard constraints. Scientific Reports, 10:19903.

Bitcoin Transaction Networks: An Overview of Recent Results


Vallarano, Nicoló; Tessone, Claudio J; Squartini, Tiziano (2020). Bitcoin Transaction Networks: An Overview of Recent Results. Frontiers in Physics, 8:286.


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