Université de St-Gall - Schools of Management

Meynhardt, Timo: European Values and Good Leadership: Facing up to Role Distance. In Flick, Corinne (ed.): The Standing of Europe in the New Imperial World Order. München : Convoco! Editions, 2020, S. 97-117.


In this essay, I would like to use concepts from role theory to show how executives can deal with irreconcilable contradictions and value conflicts. The answer lies in the maintenance of one’s own identity through sovereign role distance. Humanist values are most likely enforceable when the actors involved consistently address their own values and acknowledge what is right or wrong from their point of view. A certain amount of distance is required in order to be able to look at oneself from within the role, and to look at the role from within oneself.

Frankenberger, Karolin & Takacs, Fabian (2021) A Step Toward Making Your Company More Sustainable.


One model that holds great promise for sustainability is the circular economy (CE) - instead of digging up materials, using them once, and then trowing them away, companies in a CE recapture the enormous volume of resources in their value chain in order to use them again and again.

Die Zukunft der Unternehmensprüfung.


Berndt, Thomas:
Die Zukunft der Unternehmensprüfung.
In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ


S. 8.


Murmann, J. Peter & Schuler, Benedikt Alexander: Bubbles and Crashes: The Boom and Bust of Technological Innovation. (2020),


Murmann, J. Peter & Schuler, Benedikt Alexander: Bubbles and Crashes: The Boom and Bust of Technological Innovation. (2020),

Lu, Qinli; Tucci, Christopher L.; Murmann, J. Peter; Mao, Ji-Ye & Deng, Chaoyuan: Business Model Innovation in China: From Novel Elements to Architectural Innovation. 2020.


Lu, Qinli; Tucci, Christopher L.; Murmann, J. Peter; Mao, Ji-Ye & Deng, Chaoyuan: Business Model Innovation in China: From Novel Elements to Architectural Innovation. 2020.

Wu, Xiaobo; Murmann, J. Peter; Huang, Can & Guo, Bin: The Management Transformation of Huawei: Huawei's R&D Managment Transformation. In The Management Transformation of Huawei. Cambridge University Press, 2020, S. 292-346.


Wu, Xiaobo; Murmann, J. Peter; Huang, Can & Guo, Bin: The Management Transformation of Huawei: Huawei's R&D Managment Transformation. In The Management Transformation of Huawei. Cambridge University Press, 2020, S. 292-346.

Theisen, Michael & Welch Guerra, Xena: Mitigation of Overcommitment in M&A Decision-Making: Explorations from the Lab and the Field. 2020. - SMS 40th Annual Conference. - London, UK.


The prevalence of managerial biases is well documented in strategy research. Yet, we know relatively little about their potential mitigation. In this study, we explore the mitigation of managerial overcommitment in the M&A decision-making process. Drawing on the psychology literature we propose two distinct mitigation approaches: Oppositive reasoning, which actuates the consideration of outcomes that are diametrically opposed to currently hold assumptions, and disclosive reasoning, where the anticipation of justification requests prompts a more careful evaluation of information. In an experimental study, we find significant evidence for the effectiveness of both debiasing strategies. We then examine these approaches outside of the lab. Drawing on qualitative field data of 32 M&A departments, we explore the adoption and perceived impediments of these approaches in organizations with different organizational structures.

Meynhardt, Timo: Wir Gegenwartsvisionäre. In: Die Zeit (2019), 49,


Ständig wird über ostdeutsche Defizite gesprochen. Und nie über ihren großen Vorteil: Die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Utopien aller Art. Diese erwachse aus den Enttäuschungen der DDR, glaubt der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Timo Meynhardt.

Meynhardt, Timo: Wir sind doch endlich wieder wer, oder? In: Die Zeit (2018), 52,


Die Frage, ob der Osten jemals zum Westen aufschließen wird, ist falsch gestellt, findet unser Autor. Der Wirtschaftspsychologe fordert: Ossis, hört auf, euch anzupassen! Sonst verpasst ihr euch noch selbst

Meynhardt, Timo: "Zweiklassengesellschaft" - Homeoffice mit Risiken. (2021), 2, S. 8.


Meynhardt, Timo: "Zweiklassengesellschaft" - Homeoffice mit Risiken. (2021), 2, S. 8.


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