Publications des institutions partenaires

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Two aspects of labor mobility: a bivariate Poisson regression approach

The study introduces a distinction between two types of labor mobility: direct job to job changes (which are assumed to be voluntary) and job changes after experiencing an unemployment spell (assumed to be involuntary). Exploiting the close relationship between those two phenomena we adopt a bivariate regression framework for our empirical analysis of data on male individuals in the...

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English / 01/01/1993

Analytical solutions for the pricing of american bond and yield options

In this paper we use the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985b) single-factor, term structure model and extend it to the pricing of American default-free bond puts. We provide a quasi-analytical formula for these option prices based on recently established mathematical results for Bessel bridges, coupled with the optimal stopping time method. We extend our results to another interest rate...

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English / 01/01/1993

Diffusion coefficient estimation and asset pricing when risk premia and sensitivities are time varying

The exponential of a scalar diffusion is considered. Point estimates of the diffusion coefficient can be obtained by considering proportional increments of different powers of the exponential. an investigation of the minimum variance estimator gives unique optimal power.

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English / 01/01/1993

A crisis management decision support system to reduce ingestion dose

Environmental accidents such as extensive radioactive or chemical contamination can have more serious consequences for a population than any other kind of accidents known before. Owing to the serious consequences and the high number of people who may be affected, the selection of the best countermeasures to ameliorate the imminent impact is very difficult and the political...

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English / 01/01/1993

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit paradoxer Abstimmungsergebnisse

Abstimmungen als Mittel zur Entscheidungsfindung sind heute sehr verbreitet. Dass Abstimmungsergebnisse (aus logisch zwingenden Gründen) nicht in jedem Fall rational sein müssen, ist hingegen wenig bekannt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt an Hand theoretischer Berechnungen und praktischer Fallbeispiele aus der schweizerischen Politik, dass irrationale, sogenannt paradoxe Entscheide...

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Deutsch / 01/01/1993

On optimal public good provision with tax evasion

It is proved that for public goods with zero income effects (also called Ziff public goods) tax evasion does not affect the optimal level of public expenditure. Further examples show that, in general, tax evasion may lead to less but also to more public expenditure.

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English / 01/06/1991

A new approach for modeling economic count data

A new parametric model for the econometric analysis of non-negative integers is proposed. Its distinguishing feature is that it allows for more flexible variance-mean relationships than the models used hitherto. Estimation with maximum likelihood is illustrated using a dataset on ship damage incidents.

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English / 01/01/1991


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