Publications des institutions partenaires

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Push- vs. Pull-Concepts in Logistics Chains

The widespread terms "push" and "pull" are commonly used to characterise particular concepts ofsysem configuration and coordination. However, many publications present push and pull concepts in a confusing way. As there is no common sense of what these terms really mean and how they should be used, it is difficult to avoid inconsistency in the scientific...

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English / 08/05/1998

Win-win and no-win situations in supply chain finance: The case of accounts receivable programs

The paper aims to investigate whether supply chain finance (SCF) solutions have the potential to create tripartite value in the international trade arena. Distinguishing three actors, this value proposition is examined by modeling an accounts receivable platform (ARP) program. The setting is adapted to a supply chain with an OECD supplier and non-OECD buyers. The paper identifies...

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Kaum Wachstum – Schweizer Logistikmarkt hält den Atem an

Die Auswirkungen des Frankenschocks bringen auch die Schweizer Logistikbranche ins Wanken. Nach ersten Berechnungen wird das Logistikmarktvolumen im Jahr 2015 um 0,9 Prozent auf 38,8 Milliarden Franken sinken. Für 2016 ist wieder mit einem leichten Wachstum zu rechnen.

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