Publications des institutions partenaires

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International sport league comparisons

Comparisons between European and North American sports leagues have occurred over the years. In this paper, we attempt to bring these comparisons down to the essential elements -what has come to be called Rottenberg’s (1956) invariance principle and theoretical insights into attempts to alter competitive balance using revenue sharing, talent drafts, and payroll caps. We also examine...

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English / 01/01/2012

Say on pay design, executive pay, and board dependence

I study the impact of ''say on pay'' (SoP) on the compensation decisions and the structure of the board of directors (BoD) in a setting where the CEO has the real authority over the composition of the BoD. The CEO's authority arises endogenously from an informational advantage about individual board members' contribution to firm value and allows her to...

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English / 01/01/2012

The effect of the distance between partners' knowledge components on collaborative innovation knowledge distance for innovation

The alliance literature has recognized distance between partners' knowledge as important for innovation. However, theoretical reasoning as well as empirical results differ concerning the relationship of partners' knowledge base distance and innovation performance. We assume that the mixed results are caused by neglecting the role of relevant knowledge types. In this study,...

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English / 01/01/2012

Lean product development - enabling management factors for waste elimination

Lean development is a promising approach in new product development (NPD). However, despite the successful application of lean thinking and its principles to manufacturing, the adoption of the lean approach to product development is a quite novel undertaking. In this paper, we develop and test hypotheses pertaining to the elimination of waste, which is one of the major objectives of...

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English / 01/01/2012

Understanding a firm’s openness decisions in innovation

The degree of openness in innovation, ranging from closed to multiple levels of openness, is a key strategic decision for managers. Therefore, this study aims to carefully investigate the underlying drivers of openness. A major result of this study is that the degree of openness underlies separate mechanisms for being closed in innovation and higher degrees of openness. The factors...

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English / 01/01/2012

The gender pay gap and performance pay: Is there room for discrimination?

Although discrimination is the most prominent explanation for the gender pay gap, studies providing conclusive evidence are scarce. This paper examines whether discrimination is less severe under performance pay than under time-based pay. To identify an external and measurable source of discrimination we exploit the variation of social norms regarding equal pay for equal work across...

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English / 25/06/2011

Optimalwertfunktion und Einhüllendensätze

Bei Optimierungsmodellen in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften werden häufig gewisse Problemdaten als Parameter (exogene Variablen) aufgefasst, sodass es wichtig ist zu untersuchen, wie die Lösungen und der Optimalwert von den Parametern abhängen. Von besonderem Interesse sind sogenannte Einhüllendensätze, die Bedingungen für die Differenzierbarkeit der Optimalwertfunktion eines...

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English / 01/01/2011

Practical approaches to USO costing and financing

n this paper we set out a holistic approach that incorporates recent developments in assessing the net cost of the USO and presents a robust methodology for practical implementation. We analyse the issues relating to assessing the net costs of the USO with particular focus on the benefits associated with USO and current empirical approaches to calculating the net costs. We then...

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English / 01/01/2011

The new political role of business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance, and democracy

Scholars in management and economics widely share the assumption that business firms focus on profits only, while it is the task of the state system to provide public goods. In this view business firms are conceived of as economic actors, and governments and their state agencies are considered the only political actors. We suggest that, under the conditions of globalization, the...

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English / 01/01/2011

The effects of the fair value option under IAS 39 on the volatility of bank earnings

Using an international sample of 222 banks from 41 countries, this study examines whether the fair value option (FVO) affects earnings volatility. Prior empirical studies associate higher levels of earnings volatility with fair value accounting (Barth et al. 1995; Hodder et al. 2006). In contrast, I find evidence that banks applying the FVO to reduce accounting mismatches exhibit...

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English / 01/01/2011

The effect of professional football clubs' legal structure on sponsoring revenue

Professional football clubs earn most of their revenues from four sources: sale of broadcasting
rights, matchday revenues, merchandising, and sponsorship. The relative importance of these
sources differs among clubs and leagues.
Economists often argue that the ability of
professional football clubs to generate revenues depends to a large extent on their legal...

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English / 01/01/2011

The effect of wage dispersion on team outcome and the way team outcome is produced

The impact of intra-team pay dispersion on team productivity is a highly discussed issue. On the one hand, wage differentials provide incentives for higher employee effort. On the other hand, pay inequality may reduce team cohesiveness and increase feelings of relative deprivation leading to lower performance. Analysing nonlinear effects of wage dispersion in professional soccer, we...

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English / 01/01/2011


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