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External shocks, internal shots: the geography of civil conflicts

This paper uses detailed information on the latitude and longitude of conflict events in Sub-Saharan African countries to study the impact of external income shocks on the likelihood of violence. We consider a number of external demand shocks faced by the countries or the regions within countries - temporary shocks such as changes in the world demand for agricultural commodities, and...

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/ 04/06/2014

The principle of common concern and climate change

Effective policies combating global warming and incentivising reduction of greenhouse gases face fundamental collective action problems. States defending short term interests avoid international commitments and seek to benefit from measures combating global warming taken elsewhere. The paper explores the potential of Common Concern as an emerging principle of international law, in...

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English / 01/06/2014

Kaffee, Kakao, Bananen: Gut und Böse sind nicht mehr so klar verteilt

Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft wird in Wohlstandgesellschaften wie der unseren gerne mit der Förderung von Bio und Fair Trade in Verbindung gebracht. Kaum jemand kennt jedoch Standards der Nachhaltigkeit wie Rainforest Alliance, UTZ (Umwelt- und Sozialbestimmungen), SA8000 (Arbeiterschutz) oder Technoserve (Armutsbekämpfung durch Ermächtigung zum Unternehmertum). Bei diesen Labels sollen...

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Deutsch / 11/05/2014

Asylum seeking and irregular migration

This paper develops a model of optimizing behavior of asylum seekers whose objective is to reach an advanced country. Their personal characteristics and the challenges anticipated along the way determine whether they try to reach the ultimate destination with the aid of human smugglers or by applying for resettlement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In...

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/ 25/04/2014

Estimating the output gap to support the management of interest rates in Vietnam

In this paper, I apply three methods to estimate the output gap for Vietnam to support the conduct of monetary policy of the State Bank: the Hodrick-Prescott Filter, the production function approach and Bayesian estimation. I then compare the results obtained from these approaches and discuss their advantages and disadvantages to choose the optimal method for the estimation of the...

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/ 25/04/2014

Loan quality determinants: evaluating the contribution of bank-specific variables, macroeconomic factors and firm level information

This paper uses probit and ordered probit methods to examine the impact of banks’ policies in terms of cost efficiency, capitalization, activity diversification, credit growth and profitability, on the loan quality in the Tunisian banking sector after controlling for the effects of firm-specific characteristics and macroeconomic conditions. Using a data set with detailed information...

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/ 25/04/2014

Business cycles in oil exporting countries: a declining role for oil?

In this study, we investigate the nature and possible sources of economic fluctuations in oil exporting countries using principle component and impulse-response analysis. The principal component analysis shows that the first two components can be statistically significantly explained by world GDP, but not by oil prices. We further develop our study using impulse-response analysis and...

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/ 25/04/2014

Social spending and household welfare: evidence from Azerbaijan

We measure the response of household consumption of different income groups to social spending during the 2002-2012 period using the aggregated Household Budget Survey Data. We find that households respond more strongly to changes in pensions than to changes in allowances and in-kind transfers. The very weak response of households to changes in allowances and in-kind transfers, both...

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/ 01/04/2014

Merger control procedures and institutions: a comparison of the EU and US practice

The objective of this paper is to discuss and compare the role that different constituencies play in US and EU procedures for merger control. We describe the main constituencies (both internal and external) involved in merger control in both jurisdictions and discuss how a typical merger case would be handled under these procedures. At each stage, we consider how the procedure...

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/ 01/04/2014

The motivation and impact of organized public resistance against agricultural biotechnology

Fifteen years of experience with the commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) corps and countless national and international risk assessments of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) suggest that the risks related to this new technology are not any different from those already known in conventional agriculture. Despite these reassuring findings, public distrust toward GMOs...

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English / 28/03/2014

The influence of pension funds on corporate governance

Although pension funds have gained importance in the last two decades, their role has not been described in detail by economic models. This article focuses on the scope of these institutional investors when they are not satisfied with a management team of a company in which the pension fund holds a block of shares. Stock holdings by pension funds are largely dispersed. Therefore, any...

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English / 28/03/2014

How do exporters adjust to exchange-rate fluctuations?: new evidence from the East African community

We use a large sample of export transactions from customs files across six developing countries and several years to explore the extent of pricing to market and volume responses to exchange-rate variations in the East African Community (EAC), a customs union, and a control group of exporters from developing countries outside the region. We find that, relative to the control group,...

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/ 27/03/2014

Unternehmen, Menschenrechte und Global Governance: Zur Umsetzung von Compliance auf Unternehmensebene

Wie die Unternehmenspraxis zeigt, greifen Compliance und CSR ineinander und werden regelmäßig gemeinsam betrachtet. Der Tagungsband vereint die aktuelle Diskussion dieser Themen, indem er die Idee von Compliance mit geltendem Recht mit der Forderung nach freiwilliger Mehrverantwortung im Sinne von CSR zusammenführt und die aktuellen Fragestellungen der Unternehmenspraxis mit der...

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Deutsch / 01/02/2014

Financial development and economic growth: known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns

This paper summarizes the main findings of the literature on the relationship between financial and economic development (the known knowns), points to directions for future research (the knowns unknowns), and then speculates on the third Rumsfeldian category. The known knowns section organizes the empirical literature on finance and growth into three strands : (1) the traditional...

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/ 17/01/2014

Guest workers: adequate incentives for voluntary return

A guest-worker program can be a very flexible and convenient way of meeting labor shortages in a host country, assuming that the migrants obeythe rules. This paper investigates the conditions under which guest workers have sufficient incentives for voluntary return to their country of origin when their work permits expire. The analysis is conducted in the context of a lenient...

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/ 15/01/2014

Private provision of public goods and asset prices

In capitalist societies it is the role of the state to establish the preconditions that promote societal well-being through proper functioning markets.
On the other hand enterprises have a right to provide goods and services in return for private profit. This sharp contrast between government and corporate responsibilities is created by a theoretical idealized first-best world...

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English / 01/01/2014


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