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The Networked Role of Intermediaries in Education Governance and Public-Private Partnership

Caves, Katherine M.; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther

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English, Deutsch / 01/10/2021

Résultats du «Pouls des places d’apprentissage» de septembre 2021

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Dändliker, Lena; Morlet, Guillaume Maxence; Pusterla, Filippo; Renold, Ursula; Rageth, Ladina; Sritharan, Aranya

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English, Deutsch / 01/10/2021

Working-Together Normative Appeals: Normative appeals motivate people to contribute to collective action problems more when they invite people to work together toward a common goal

Howe, Lauren; Carr, Priyanka B; Walton, Gregory M (2021). Working-Together Normative Appeals: Normative appeals motivate people to contribute to collective action problems more when they invite people to work together toward a common goal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(2):215-238.

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English / 29/09/2021

Salutary mechanisms in the relationship between stress and health: The mediating and moderating roles of Sense of Coherence-Revised

Rohner, Shauna L; Bernays, Florence; Maercker, Andreas; Thoma, Myriam V (2021). Salutary mechanisms in the relationship between stress and health: The mediating and moderating roles of Sense of Coherence-Revised. Stress and Health:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 22/09/2021

Stonig, Joachim: How Incumbent Firms Strategically Transform from Product-Focus to Ecosystem Leadership. Thesis, 2019.

Die Entstehung von Unternehmensökosystemen in einem Wirtschaftssektor stellt eine bedeutende und potentiell disruptive Herausforderung für produktfokussierte Unternehmen dar. Die bestehende Literatur sieht die Entstehung von Ökosystemen als einen radikalen, technologischen Wandel, der produktfokussierte Aktivitäten bedroht. Daher wissen wir relativ wenig darüber, wie Unternehmen ihr...

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/ 21/09/2021

Meynhardt, Timo: Orientierungswissen im MBA-Programm, für mehr als die tägliche Praxis: das Leipziger Führungsmodell. In: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (2021), 34,

Gute Führung bemisst sich - wir hatten es manchmal vergessen - an einer Haltung, in deren Zentrum der Mensch und die Auswirkungen des eigenen Handelns auf das grössere Ganze stehen. Nicht Macht, Wissen oder Status definieren die Führungsleistung, sondern der Wertbeitrag, den eine Führungskraft in den Augen anderer für andere stiftet. Das ist einer der Kerngedanken des Leipziger...

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/ 19/09/2021

The simple regularities in the dynamics of online news impact

Medo, Matúš; Mariani, Manuel; Lü, Linyuan (2021). The simple regularities in the dynamics of online news impact. Journal of Computational Social Science:Epub ahed of print.

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English / 15/09/2021

Exchange rate effects on cross-border commuting : Evidence from the Swiss-Italian border

In: Journal of economic geography, 2020, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 969-1001

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 14/09/2021

Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Meier, Pascal Flurin; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2021). Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Sport Finance, 16(3):111-126.

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English / 13/09/2021

Algorithmic bias amplification via temporal effects: The case of PageRank in evolving networks

Cui, Mengtian; Mariani, Manuel; Medo, Matúš (2022). Algorithmic bias amplification via temporal effects: The case of PageRank in evolving networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104:106029.

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English / 07/09/2021

WP - 2021-09-03 - Matthias Burgert, Philipp Pfeiffer and Werner Roeger: Fiscal policy in a monetary union with downward nominal wage rigidity

We estimate an open economy DSGE model to study the fiscal policy implications of downward nominal wage rigidity (DNWR) in a monetary union. DNWR has significantly exacerbated the recession in the southern euro area countries and is important for the design of fiscal policy. We show that a cut in social security contributions paid by employers (equivalent to wage subsidies) is...

Institution partenaire

Banque nationale suisse

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English / 03/09/2021

Résultats du «Pouls des places d’apprentissage» d’août 2021

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Dändliker, Lena; Morlet, Guillaume Maxence; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya

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English, Deutsch / 02/09/2021

Ergebnisse LehrstellenPuls August 2021

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Dändliker, Lena; Morlet, Guillaume Maxence; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya

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English, Deutsch / 02/09/2021

Apprenticeship Pulse Results August 2021

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Dändliker, Lena; Morlet, Guillaume Maxence; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya

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English, Deutsch / 02/09/2021

The ETH Zurich Curated Nuclear Events Database: Layout, Event Classification, and Analysis of Contributing Factors

Ayoub, Ali; Stankovski, Andrej; Kröger, Wolfgang; Sornette, Didier

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English, Deutsch / 01/09/2021

The impact of postbariatric hypoglycaemia on driving performance: A randomized, single-blind, two-period, crossover study in a driving simulator

Lehmann, Vera; Tripyla, Afroditi; Herzig, David; Meier, Jasmin; Banholzer, Nicolas; Maritsch, Martin; Zehetner, Jörg; Giachino, Daniel; Nett, Philipp; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Wortmann, Felix; Bally, Lia

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English, Deutsch / 01/09/2021

Education-Employment Linkage in Uzbekistan

Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine M.; Zubovic, Amela

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English, Deutsch / 01/09/2021

Implementation of the Serbian Law on Dual Education

Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine M.; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Zubovic, Amela

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English, Deutsch / 01/09/2021

Climate Transition Risk Metrics: Understanding Convergence and Divergence across Firms and Providers

Bingler, Julia Anna; Colesanti Senni, Chiara; Monnin, Pierre

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English, Deutsch / 01/09/2021

On the money creation approach to banking

Faure, Salomon; Gersbach, Hans

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English, Deutsch / 01/09/2021


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