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Searching for trade partners in developing countries: testing firms in the "fast fashion" industry

An integral part of global supply chains is the selection by international buyers of trading partners in developing countries. However, our understanding of how buyers find a suitable long term supplier is limited. I use unique buyer-seller customs data to directly observe experimentation activity in a large market - the "fast fashion" industry in Bangladesh. I study how buyers of...

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Français, English / 07/04/2020

Increasing trust in bankers to enhance savings: experimental evidence from India

According to economic theory, repeated interactions can play a crucial role in shaping trust. We randomly allocated people to treatments that promote interactions with bankers. Next, these people play incentivised trust games with their own banker and with an anonymous other banker. While the effect on trust in the own banker is limited, the impact on trust in other bankers is...

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Français, English / 13/03/2020

Does leverage predict delinquency in consumer lending?: evidence from Peru

This paper examines to what extent household leverage—as measured by the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio—predicts delinquency in Peru’s consumer credit market. A model is estimated to assess the relation between delinquency and the DTI ratio. The initial and current DTI ratios are assessed as delinquency predictors. The results confirm that the current DTI ratio is effective for...

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Français, English / 05/03/2020

Globotics and development: when manufacturing is jobless and services are tradable

Globalization and robotics (globotics) are transforming the world economy at an explosive pace. While much of the literature has focused on rich nations, the changes are quite likely to affect developing nations in important ways. The premise of the paper - which should be regarded as a thought-piece - is based on an extreme thought experiment. What does development look like when...

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Français, English / 03/03/2020

Volatility spillovers and systemic risk across economies: evidence from a global semi-structural model

The paper presents some evidence on the overwhelming relevance of systemic risk and the lesser importance of US interest rates in the global transmission of shocks. This evidence suggests that the literature could benefi…t from incorporating global con…dence variables into global frameworks in the study of the global transmission of shocks. As framework, we used a global semi-...

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Français, English / 03/12/2018

Maduro Bonds

For multiple decades, activists have sought to institute an international legal regime that limits the ability of despotic governments to borrow money and then shift those obligations onto more democratic successor governments. Our goal in this article is to raise the possibility of an alternate legal path to raising the costs of borrowing for despotic regimes. All countries have...

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Français, English / 28/09/2018

Industrial or Traditional Bamboo Construction? Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Bamboo-Based Buildings

The past five decades have witnessed an unprecedented growth in population. This has led to an ever-growing housing demand. It has been proposed that the use of bio-based materials, and specifically bamboo, can help alleviate the housing demand in a sustainable manner. The present paper aims to assess the environmental impact caused by using four different construction materials (...

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English / 30/08/2018

Die zwei Agrarinitiativen pflegen auch unseren Chauvinismus

Die Agrarvorlagen, über die wir am 23. September abstimmen, gehen von einer Welt aus, die funktioniert wie im Globi-Buch – oder wie in den Klischees linker Geografielehrer.

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Deutsch / 26/08/2018

Bamboo reinforced concrete – a critical review

The use of small diameter whole-culm (bars) and/or split bamboo (a.k.a. splints or round strips) has often been proposed as an alternative to relatively expensive reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete. The motivation for such replacement is typically cost—bamboo is readily available in many tropical and sub-tropical locations, whereas steel reinforcement is relatively more...

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English / 16/07/2018

Kein Wachstum ohne Strukturwandel

Über Nachhaltige Entwicklungshilfe

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Deutsch / 15/06/2018

The bank lending channel: a time-varying approach

Using a cross-country panel of 925 banks from 19 advanced economies, for the period 1981-2016, I examine how the bank lending channel of monetary policy has evolved over time. I find that the sensitivity of lending to bank balance sheet liquidity declines over time, with nearly all the reduction occurring between the early 1990s and the early 2000s. Contrary to normal times, during...

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Français, English / 11/06/2018

Foreign currency bank funding and global factors

The literature on drivers of capital flows stresses the prominent role of global financial factors. Recent empirical work, however, highlights how this role varies across countries and time, and this heterogeneity is not well understood. We revisit this question by focusing on financial intermediaries' funding flows in different currencies. A portfolio model shows that the sign and...

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Français, English / 29/05/2018

Does public debt crowd out corporate investment?: international evidence

Using data for advanced and emerging economies, we show that there is a negative correlation between public debt and corporate investment. Industry-level regressions show that high levels of government debt are particularly damaging for industries that need more external financial resources. Firm-level regressions show that government debt increases the sensitivity of corporate...

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Français, English / 24/05/2018

Vorsorge, nicht verhindern

Die politischen Leitfaden der Gentech-Landwirtschaft: Vorsorgeprinzip

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Deutsch / 12/05/2018

Der katalanische Unabhängigkeit unlauter und provinziell

Angesichts des Gezerres um die Auslieferung von Carles Puigdemont setzt sich in der europäischen Öffentlichkeit immer mehr das Narrativ durch, dass Katalonien ein Opfer des spanischen Imperialismus sei. Dabei erzählen die politisch demokratischen Realitäten mit Autonomierechten für die Regionen eine andere Geschichte.

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Deutsch / 12/05/2018

Der katalanische Unabhängigkeitsmythos : Unlauter und provinziell : Gastkommentar

Angesichts des Gezerres um die Auslieferung von Carles Puigdemont setzt sich in der europäischen Öffentlichkeit immer mehr das Narrativ durch, dass Katalonien ein Opfer des spanischen Imperialismus sei. Dabei erzählen die politisch demokratischen Realitäten mit Autonomierechten für die Regionen eine andere Geschichte.

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Deutsch / 12/05/2018


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