Publications des institutions partenaires

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Variance optimal cap pricing models

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1999

Moderne Prüfverfahren für komplexe Probleme. Evaluation und Performance Audits im Vergleich

Systeme im politischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Bereich sind zunehmend vernetzt und dynamisch, häufig jedoch intransparent. Herkömmliche Prüfverfahren und klassische Instrumente wie die Betriebs- und Erfolgsrechnung genügen den neuen Anforderungen nicht. Andrea Schenker-Wicki stellt neben bekannten Prüfungsverfahren - wie Revision, Controlling und Benchmarking - Verfahren der...

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Deutsch / 01/01/1999

The impact of capacity costs on bidding strategies in procurement auctions

This paper analyzes the impact of capacity costs on bidding strategies of firms participating in procurement auctions. More efficient firms will invest in advance due to their high probability of winning the auction while less efficient bidders prefer to wait with their investments until the outcome of the auction is known. However, in equilibrium both types of firms include a...

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English / 01/01/1999

A performance comparison of strategic transfer pricing and tidy cost allocation in presence of product market competition and congestion costs

This paper compares the performance of transfer pricing and tidy cost allocations in a multiproduct firm in presence of output market competition and production externalities. In absence of competition, tidy cost allocations are creating inefficient allocations within the firm while transfer prices can always be adjusted to replicate the first best solution of the centralized firm....

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English / 01/01/1999

Comparing performance of feed-forward neural nets and k-means for cluster-based market segmentation

We compare the performance of a specifically designed feedforward artificial neural network with one layer of hidden units to the K-means clustering technique in solving the problem of cluster-based market segmentation. The data set analyzed consists of usages of brands (product category: household cleaners) in different usage situations. The proposed feedforward neural network model...

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English / 01/01/1999

Conditional Market Segmentation by Neural Networks: A Monte Carlo Study

An artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm is proposed that incorporates both market segmentation and discriminant (regression) analysis of the segments. The method simultaneously estimates the models relating consumer characteristics to market segments, i.e., subjects are assigned to (unique) segments so that subjects within a class show similar purchase behavior and share the...

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English / 01/01/1999

Aus alt mach neu: Remanufacturing gebrauchter Maschinen als Unternehmensstrategie

Das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz wird die Aufarbeitung, Reparatur, Instandsetzung und Modernisierung von Investitionsgütern (Remanufacturing) vorantreiben und die
Strukturen des Gebrauchtmaschinenmarktes verändern. Unternehmen können auf diesem Markt nur dann erfolgreich sein, wenn sie ihre Strategie an diesen Veränderungen ausrichten.

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Deutsch / 01/01/1998


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