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Meynhardt, Timo & Frantz, Eduard (2019) Medialer Public Value als Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl. Media Perspektiven, (10). 444-451.

Die Diskussion um das Thema Public Value wird in der Medienbranche aktuell intensiv geführt. Im Kern geht es um die Frage, welche Programme Werte für die Gesellschaft vermitteln und inwiefern nicht auch private Sender ohne einen entsprechenden Auftrag zum Gemeinwohl beitragen. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Grundversorgung, Legitimationsdebatten und rasant...

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/ 10/01/2021

Meynhardt, Timo & Jasinenko, Anna (2020) Measuring public value: scale development and construct validation. International Public Management Journal, 1-28. ISSN 1096-7494

The public value concept is highly popular among practitioners and researchers, yet, to further test and develop the construct it needs more diversity in empirical research. We aim to contribute to future empirical public value research by providing a new public value scale based on Meynhardt’s conceptualization of public value. Conducting two empirical surveys with highly...

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/ 10/01/2021

Linz, Carsten; Müller-Stewens, Günter & Zimmermann, Alexander : Radical business model transformation. How leading organizations have successfully adapted to disruption. 2nd edition. London/Philadelphia/New Delhi : Kogan Page, 2020, - ISBN 978 1 78966 196 5.

Linz, Carsten; Müller-Stewens, Günter & Zimmermann, Alexander : Radical business model transformation. How leading organizations have successfully adapted to disruption. 2nd edition. London/Philadelphia/New Delhi : Kogan Page, 2020, - ISBN 978 1 78966 196 5.

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/ 08/01/2021

Bekemeier, Sebastian; Meynhardt, Timo & Müller-Stewens, Günter (2020) Was von Entscheidungsträgern erwartet wird. Das Modell der strategischen Führungskompetenzen. Die Unternehmung, 74 (1). 3-33. ISSN 0042-059x

Bekemeier, Sebastian; Meynhardt, Timo & Müller-Stewens, Günter (2020) Was von Entscheidungsträgern erwartet wird. Das Modell der strategischen Führungskompetenzen. Die Unternehmung, 74 (1). 3-33. ISSN 0042-059x

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/ 08/01/2021

Hintermann, Christian; Cloughesy, Kevin; Rosenast, Guido; Laamanen, Tomi; Isenring-Szabó, Kata; Maureau, Galdric & Ruhstaller, Stefan: Clarity on Performance of Swiss Private Banks - Crisis as a catalyst for change. Zurich, Switzerland : KPMG AG Schweiz, 2020.

The crisis came after a period of generally favorable financial markets in 2019, which had already built greater confidence among Swiss banks. As a result of the Covid-19 related lockdown, banks swiftly implemented crisis management measures. This enabled them to continue serving clients from home offices without significant disruption. The speed with which change has been...

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/ 10/12/2020

Marckstadt, Fabian; Dimke, Marc; Laamanen, Tomi; Bian, Di; Isenring-Szabó, Kata; Ates, Yasemin; Heil, Sebastian; Schwucht, Clara; Gnan, Nicholas; Neubauer, Philipp; Barras, Noémie & Eidenmueller, Nicolas: Transformation Champions - Turning Opposites into Complements. Germany : Deloitte AG Germany, 2020.

This report on business transformation is intended for organizations looking to reinvent themselves – not just once in response to the crisis, but constantly, to stay alert, resilient and competitive. In a joint study with Deloitte Germany, we have engaged with over 150 companies and senior executives in the DACH region to identify those management practices that differentiate...

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/ 10/12/2020

Murmann, J. Peter (2020) Historical methods in the social sciences: Commentary on Schoemaker 2020. Futures and Foresight Science, Volume 2 (Issue 3-4). e55. ISSN 2573-5152

Murmann, J. Peter (2020) Historical methods in the social sciences: Commentary on Schoemaker 2020. Futures and Foresight Science, Volume 2 (Issue 3-4). e55. ISSN 2573-5152

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/ 23/11/2020

Hettich, Erwin: Tesla - Pionier, Visionär und Revolutionär. (2020),

Kaum ein Unternehmen polarisiert derzeit so sehr wie der Elektroauto-Pionier Tesla. Auch was die Bewertungen an den Börsen betrifft. Prof. Dr. Erwin Hettich, Leiter des Strategie Lab und Assistenzprofessor für Strategisches Management an der Universität St. Gallen (HSG), analysiert die Hintergründe des Erfolgs von Tesla.

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/ 29/10/2020

Hettich, Erwin & Müller-Stewens, Günter: Das Geheimnis hinter dem Erfolg von Tesla. In: Focus Online (2020),

Als Starbucks die angestaubte Welt der Cafés aufgemischt hat, hat die Welt über diesen triumphalen Siegeszug gestaunt. Mit Tesla läuft es im Autobau ähnlich. Wir haben uns genauer angesehen, was hinter dem verblüffenden Erfolg steckt. Und eine Antwort gefunden, die viel über die moderne Industrie aussagt.

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/ 29/10/2020

Brühwiler Häusermann, Claudia Franziska: Die vergessene Lehrmeisterin. In: Schweizer Monat (2020), 1080,

Brühwiler Häusermann, Claudia Franziska: Die vergessene Lehrmeisterin. In: Schweizer Monat (2020), 1080,

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/ 01/10/2020

Frankenberger, Karolin & Stam, Wouter (2020) Entrepreneurial copycats:A resource orchestration perspective on the link between extra-industry business model imitation and new venture growth.

This study draws on resource orchestration theory to develop and test a framework that explains when the imitation of business models from other industries increases new venture growth.

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/ 15/09/2020

Die digitale öffentliche Urkunde im Kontext der AG.

Müller, Lukas & Pafumi, Lara
Die digitale öffentliche Urkunde im Kontext der AG.
Reprax : Zeitschrift zur Handelsregisterpraxis,
ISSN 1424-3628


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/ 08/09/2020

Murmann, Johann Peter: The Management Transformation of Huawei: Concluding Thoughts From a Comparative Perspective. In The Management Transformation of Huawei From Humble Beginnings to Global Leadership. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020, S. 381-410.

This chapter offers concluding thoughts on the entire Huawei study— the totality chapters and commentaries. It offers comparative perspective by placing the firm in the larger context of corporations in China and to some extent in other countries. The comparison with many other firms throughout the entire book reveals that Huawei is among a select number of firms that are able grow...

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/ 07/09/2020

Steueranrechnung in der Schweiz.

Hongler, Peter & Limacher, Fabienne
Steueranrechnung in der Schweiz.
IFF Forum für Steuerrecht (FStR),

ISSN 1424-9855


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/ 03/09/2020

Aktuelles zum Recht der Kryptowährungen.

Müller, Lukas & Ong, Malik
Aktuelles zum Recht der Kryptowährungen.
Aktuelle Juristische Praxis,
ISSN 1660-3362


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/ 17/08/2020

Luoma, Jukka; Laamanen, Tomi & Lamberg, Juha-Antti (2020) Toward a routine-based view of interfirm rivalry. Strategic Organization, 1-14. ISSN 1476-1270

Although organizational routines have attracted increasing attention in strategy and organization research, they have received surprisingly limited attention in competitive dynamics scholarship. Our essay seeks to advance a routine-based view of interfirm rivalry by bridging the competitive dynamics and routine literatures. We put forward a conceptual model of the routine-based view...

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/ 14/08/2020


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