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Stonig, Joachim; Schmid, Torsten & Müller-Stewens, Günter (2022) From Product System to Ecosystem: How Firms Adapt to Provide an Integrated Value Proposition. Strategic Management Journal, ISSN 0143-2095

Research Summary
Ecosystems represent a key challenge for established firms, shifting their focus from products to system-level collaboration around integrated value propositions. This longitudinal case study of a machine manufacturer reports how an established firm created an ecosystem to enhance its focal product. Drawing on an activity system lens, we develop a model how...

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/ 18/02/2022

Schwaninger, Markus & Schoenenberger, Lukas (2022) Cybernetic Crisis Management in a Federal System – Insights from the Covid Pandemic. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 39 3-20.

We aim to contribute to improving the management of pandemic crises. Our focus is on federal systems, as these are particularly powerful in dealing with environmental complexity. Through four waves of the pandemic, spanning a year and a half, we studied crisis management based on the case of the Swiss Federation. This research concentrates on three research questions: (1) How is the...

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/ 12/01/2022

Linz, Carsten; Müller-Stewens, Günter & Zimmermann, Alexander : Radical business model transformation : How Leading Organizations Have Successfully Adapted to Disruption. 2nd Edition. London : Kogan Page, 2020, - ISBN 9781789661965.

Linz, Carsten; Müller-Stewens, Günter & Zimmermann, Alexander : Radical business model transformation : How Leading Organizations Have Successfully Adapted to Disruption. 2nd Edition. London : Kogan Page, 2020, - ISBN 9781789661965.

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/ 11/01/2022

Takacs, Fabian: Managerial and Organizational Antecedents of Business Model Innovation for a Circular Economy. , 2021,

Today’s economic system and the companies operating within it are strongly oriented toward a linear pattern of value creation in which raw materials are extracted from the earth, products are manufactured, sold to customers, and end up as waste. This economic linearity causes material waste, global warming, and other environmental degradation. There is increasing pressure being put...

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/ 21/12/2021

Hochstrasse, Annika & Murmann, J. Peter (2021) China Innovation Capacity Growth Index 2015 and 2020. Management and Organization Review, (17:4). 861-867.

It is of interest in China and across the world to predict whether China will catch up with the most economically advanced nations in innovation capacity. To facilitate an ongoing assessment of China’s innovation capacity, the article develops a China Innovation Capacity Growth Index composed of eight separate measures. China’s performance in 2020 is compared to the baseline from...

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/ 09/12/2021

Meynhardt, Timo (2021) Public Value is Knowable, Public Value Creation is Not. SAGE Journals, 53 (10). 1631-1642.

Humility is key to public value, so is courage. For me, this is the message of Prebble’s stimulating article. It comes at a good time, when public value thinking is well-established, theorizing about it differentiates into more or less normative schools of thought and empirical research is on its way—normal science as one could say. I read Mark’s argument as a wake-up call to take...

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/ 24/10/2021

Murmann, J. Peter; Guo, Bin & Huang, Can (2021) A Dynamic Perspective on Huawei. Management and Organization Review, 19 (5). 1087-1100.

Murmann, J. Peter; Guo, Bin & Huang, Can (2021) A Dynamic Perspective on Huawei. Management and Organization Review, 19 (5). 1087-1100.

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/ 19/10/2021

Murmann, J. Peter & Zhu, Zhijing (2021) What Enables a Chinese Firm to Create New-to-the-World Innovations? A Historical Case Study of Intrafirm Coopetition in the Instant Messaging Serivice Sector.

Chinese firms have been widely seen as imitative. This historical case study explores what organizational mechanisms allowed Tencent, a Chinese firm in the fast-changing instant messaging (IM) service sector, to achieve a new-to-the-world innovation with its WeChat smartphone app. Tracing the competitive dynamics in the Chinese IM sector from its inception, we found that Tencent was...

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/ 19/10/2021

Stonig, Joachim: How Incumbent Firms Strategically Transform from Product-Focus to Ecosystem Leadership. Thesis, 2019.

Die Entstehung von Unternehmensökosystemen in einem Wirtschaftssektor stellt eine bedeutende und potentiell disruptive Herausforderung für produktfokussierte Unternehmen dar. Die bestehende Literatur sieht die Entstehung von Ökosystemen als einen radikalen, technologischen Wandel, der produktfokussierte Aktivitäten bedroht. Daher wissen wir relativ wenig darüber, wie Unternehmen ihr...

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/ 21/09/2021

Meynhardt, Timo: Orientierungswissen im MBA-Programm, für mehr als die tägliche Praxis: das Leipziger Führungsmodell. In: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (2021), 34,

Gute Führung bemisst sich - wir hatten es manchmal vergessen - an einer Haltung, in deren Zentrum der Mensch und die Auswirkungen des eigenen Handelns auf das grössere Ganze stehen. Nicht Macht, Wissen oder Status definieren die Führungsleistung, sondern der Wertbeitrag, den eine Führungskraft in den Augen anderer für andere stiftet. Das ist einer der Kerngedanken des Leipziger...

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/ 19/09/2021

Frankenberger, Karolin & Mader, Sascha: What is a business model?. (2019).

Brief definition of what a business model is to be used for class teaching that builds on the business model's definition according to the book "The Business Model Navigator".

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/ 30/08/2021

Meynhardt, Timo & Eduard, Frantz: Public Value - Gemeinwohl als Zielgröße im Medienmanagement. In: tv diskurs (2021), 3, S. 24-28.

Medienorganisationen – insbesondere öffentlich-rechtliche – haben eine hervorgehobene gesellschaftliche Funktion zu erfüllen. Wir stellen hier eine bedürfnisorientierte Public Value-Theorie vor (Meynhardt 2008; 2009), die den Public Value einer Organisation als ihren Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl versteht und auf Basis menschlicher Grundbedürfnisse definiert. Damit ließe sich der...

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/ 29/08/2021

Swiss Federal Supreme Court on Nexus For Financial Transaction Tax.

Hongler, Peter & Menzer, Ariane
Swiss Federal Supreme Court on Nexus For Financial Transaction Tax.
Tax Notes International,

ISSN 1048-3306


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/ 26/08/2021


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