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Discussion of decentralized capacity management and internal pricing

Dutta and Reichelstein (2010) study the role of transfer pricing and organizational choice in providing incentives for efficient decisions on the acquisition and subsequent reallocation of capacity within decentralized firms. Their analysis suggests that transfer prices based on the historical cost of capacity facilitate the efficient allocation of resources. They also find that...

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English / 01/01/2010

Discussion of decentralized capacity management and internal pricing

Dutta and Reichelstein (2010) study the role of transfer pricing and organizational choice in providing incentives for efficient decisions on the acquisition and subsequent reallocation of capacity within decentralized firms. Their analysis suggests that transfer prices based on the historical cost of capacity facilitate the efficient allocation of resources. They also find that...

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English / 01/01/2010

Optimal precision of accounting information in debt financing

This paper studies qualitative characteristics of accounting systems that are used in debt financing. We consider a financially constrained firm that provides to lenders information on the value of assets that serve as collateral in a financing contract for a risky investment project. We find that the investor prefers an accounting system that provides biased signals about the value...

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English / 01/01/2010

Optimal precision of accounting information in debt financing

This paper studies qualitative characteristics of accounting systems that are used in debt financing. We consider a financially constrained firm that provides to lenders information on the value of assets that serve as collateral in a financing contract for a risky investment project. We find that the investor prefers an accounting system that provides biased signals about the value...

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English / 01/01/2010

Managerial applicability of graphical formats to support positioning decisions

Issues of segmentation and positioning have always been at the heart of marketing management. In recent years, much methodological progress has been made in order to carry out these two tasks simultaneously, that is, to combine certain types of clustering algorithms with appropriate multidimensional scaling or unfolding procedures. When trying to provide managers with a tool to...

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English / 01/01/2010

Geographical Information Systems–based marketing decisions: effects of alternative visualizations on decision quality

Data visualization aids have become popular tools to assist managerial decision making in marketing. For example, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are often used to identify suitable retail locations, regional distributions for advertising campaigns, or targeting of direct marketing activities. GIS-based visualizations facilitate the assessment of store locations and help...

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English / 01/01/2010

New metrics for evaluating preference maps

Preference maps provide a visual representation of market structure, usually depicting brand or product alternatives, product attributes, and customers in a single graphic. Using measures of consideration and attribute sets to establish criterion validity, we develop a set of metrics that can be interpreted by managers and that allow managers to evaluate maps based on their ability...

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English / 01/01/2010

Kish - where customers pay as THEY wish

New restaurants often do not manage to succeed within a reasonable amount of time. Exotic restaurants especially face the problem that price promotions may not attract new customers because prospective customers might associate very low prices for unfamiliar food with a high
functional risk. This paper describes how Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW), a new pricing mechanism, was...

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English / 01/01/2010

How storefront displays influence retail store image

The image of retail stores offers an important means for differentiation in highly competitive retail markets. Storefront displays generally function to increase attention to the store or generate unplanned store visits, whereas their impact on store image remains unknown. This study therefore investigates perceived image differences between commonly used types of storefront displays...

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English / 01/01/2010

Nachhaltigkeit im eigenen Betrieb: Eine Umfrage unter Schweizer Unternehmen

In der Erhebung wurde unter anderem ermittelt, wie es Schweizer Unternehmen mit der Nachhaltigkeit halten.

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Deutsch / 04/11/2009

Disentangling Specific Subsets of Innovations: A Micro-Econometric Analysis of their Determinants

Based on a unique firm-level data set from the German manufacturing sector, this paper disentangles environmental and non-environmental product and process innovations. The multivariate probit analysis shows that the various innovation types are determined by different factors. The estimation results suggest a policy mix which comprises the encouragement of R&D activities,...

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English / 11/09/2009

Nicht-Nachhaltiges Planen, Bauen und Betreiben – Aus guten Gründen (noch) die Praxis in der Bauwirtschaft?

Die Gründe warum Nachhaltigkeit (noch) nicht ein selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der Bauwirtschaft ist, sind vielfältig. Fehlendes Verständnis der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, unzureichende Rahmenbedingungen und eine geringe Nachfrage des Marktes sind in diesem Zusammenhang zu nennen. Zwei zentrale Barrieren für das nachhaltige Bauen sind zum einen der Mangel an akzeptierten...

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Deutsch / 01/08/2009


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