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Identification of Causal Education Effects Using a Discontinuity in School Entry Tests : First Results from a Pilot Study

We use a credible regression discontinuity design to estimate causal education effects. Pupils in the Swiss education system had to pass a centrally organized exam that classified them into different levels of secondary school, and that ultimately determined their educational degree. A major feature of this exam was the local randomization around the classification threshold due to...

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English / 01/01/2011

The resort to protectionism during the great recession: Which factors mattered?

A dataset of state measures implemented between November 2008 and October 2010 that discriminate against foreign commercial interests is used to estimate the determinants of the resort to protectionism by governments during the Great Recession. A well known theory of protectionism is found to be systematically at odds with one important aspect of the data: the more protectionist...

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English / 01/01/2011

Inequality and Aggregate Savings in the Neoclassical Growth Model

Within the context of the neoclassical growth model I investigate the implications
of (initial) endowment inequality when the rich have a higher marginal savings rate than the poor. More unequal societies grow faster in the transition process, and therefore exhibit a higher speed of convergence. Furthermore, there is divergence in consumption and lifetime wealth if the rich...

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English / 01/01/2011

Non-homothetic preferences, parallel imports and the extensive margin of international trade

We study international trade in a model where consumers have non-homothetic preferences and where household income restricts the extensive margin of consumption. In equilibrium, monopolistic producers set high (low) prices in rich (poor) countries but a threat of parallel trade restricts the scope of price discrimination between countries. The threat of parallel trade allows...

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English / 01/01/2011

Climate Effects of Carbon Taxes, Taking into Account Possible Other Future Climate Measures

The increase of fuel extraction costs as well as of temperature will make it likely that in the medium-term future technological or political measures against global warming may be implemented. In assessments of a current climate policy the possibility of medium-term future developments like backstop technologies is largely neglected but can crucially affect its...

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English / 01/01/2011

Die Akkreditierung: Eine volkswirtschaftliche Basisinfrastruktur

Die Akkreditierung ist ein weltweit etabliertes System zur Schaffung und Aufrechterhaltung einer kompetenten und international anerkannten Infrastruktur an Konformitätsbewertungsstellen. Was zunächst nach einer technischen Expertenangelegenheit klingt, entpuppt sich auf den zweiten Blick als Basisinfrastruktur für moderne Volkswirtschaften. Der vorliegende Beitrag beleuchtet die...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2011

L'accréditation : Une Infrastructure de Base pour l'économie

L'accréditation est un système que l'on retrouve dans le monde entier et dont le but est d'établir et de maintenir une infrastructure compétente d'organismes d'évaluation de la conformité, reconnue internationalement. Ce qui sonne d'abord comme une affaire d'experts techniques se révèle en fait une infrastructure fondamentale pour l'économie...

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Français / 01/01/2011

Lame Ducks and Divided Government: How Voters Control the Unaccountable

The ability of voters to use the available electoral instruments is crucial for the functioning of democracies. The paper shows that voters consider the institutional environment when making electoral decisions. Voters recognize that executives who face binding term limits (i.e., "lame ducks") have incentives to deviate from the preferences of voters because these...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2011

Alliance building for a culture of compliance : Record of proceedings

On 17 May 2011, academic competition experts and practitioners from competition authorities gathered at the 6 th IDRC pre-ICN Forum on Competition and Development to share experiences and discuss ways to build alliances for competition agencies in developing countries, in order to improve competition law enforcement and effectiveness of advocacy. The meeting...

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English / 01/01/2011

Recent "green" policies - contested environmental benefits and import distortions

For the Asia-Pacific region, this paper estimates the impact of "green" crisis-era measures on energy intensity of imports and the extent of discrimination of these policies against foreign suppliers. Testable predictions are derived from Eaton and Kortum (2002). The results are surprising: "Green" measures whose purpose of implementation was not driven by the...

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English / 01/01/2011

The Effect of Direct Democracy on Income Redistribution : Evidence for Switzerland

In political economics, the impact of institutions on income redistribution is mainly studied by comparing different forms of representative democracy. In this article, we analyze the influence of direct democratic institutions on redistribution first focusing on welfare and nonwelfare spending using yearly panel data for Swiss cantons. Then, we estimate a model, which explains the...

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English / 01/10/2010

On Minimal Morals

I define and classify moral (or altruistic) behaviour and discuss the necessity of moral behaviour for the functioning of a market economic and a democratic political order. I also evaluate claims that moral behaviour is unnecessary. Moral behaviour can only be stable if certain conditions hold, including most importantly that moral requirements for citizens not be too high; only a...

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English / 01/09/2010

Decentralized Taxation and the Size of Government : Evidence from Swiss State and Local Governments

According to the Leviathan-Model, fiscal federalism is seen as a binding constraint on a revenue-maximizing government. The competitive pressure of fiscal federalism is supposed to reduce public sector size as compared to unitary states. However, empirical results concerning the Leviathan hypothesis are mixed. This study uses a state and local-level panel data set of Swiss cantons...

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English / 01/07/2010

Kosten der Wirtschaftskrise und Risiken ihrer Bekämpfung

Das Platzen der US-Immobilienblase im Jahr 2007 stürzte die Welt in eine tiefe Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Um die Gefahr einer Depression im Stil der 1930er-Jahre zu bannen, setzten Staaten, Zentralbanken und internationale Organisationen auf massive Interventionen. Die Massnahmen im fiskal- und geldpolitischen Bereich konnten die Weltwirtschaft und die Finanzmärkte in der kurzen...

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Deutsch / 01/07/2010


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