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pvsR: An Open Source Interface to Big Data on the American Political Sphere

Digital data from the political sphere is abundant, omnipresent, and more and more directly accessible through the Internet. Project Vote Smart (PVS) is a prominent example of this big public data and covers various aspects of U.S. politics in astonishing detail. Despite the vast potential of PVS’ data for political science, economics, and sociology, it is hardly used in empirical...

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English / 01/01/2015

Qualifizierung für die VUCA-Welt: Ein Fachgespräch über Managementbildung in turbulenten Zeiten

Wie bereitet man Manager auf die Anforderungen einer VUCA-Welt vor? Was muss sich aufgrund steigender Komplexität und Unsicherheit ändern an der Art und Weise, wie wir Studierende und Praktiker für ihre Arbeit qualifizieren? Wie trainiert man dabei Fertigkeiten wie Resilienz, Agilität oder Empathie und was können Manager dabei von Informatikern lernen?

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Deutsch / 01/01/2015

The Global Trade Disorder. The 16th GTA Report

Based on a massive data collection effort since the St. Petersburg G20 summit last September, in which a further 2,001 trade-related state initiatives have been documented, this report demonstrates that the resort to protectionism has been substantially higher than previously thought.

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English / 01/11/2014

The macroeconomics of Model T

We study a model of growth and mass production. Firms undertake either product innovations that introduce new luxury goods for the rich; or process innovations that transform existing luxuries into mass products for the poor. A prototypical example for such a product cycle is the automobile. Initially, an exclusive product for the very rich, the automobile became affordable to the...

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English / 01/09/2014

Wie häufig sind Rückrufe durch den ehemaligen Arbeitgeber in der Schweiz?

Etwa 14 % aller Episoden der Arbeitslosigkeit enden in einem Rückruf .Von Rückruf sprechen wir, wenn eine Person nach Ende ihrer Arbeitslosigkeit beim selben Arbeitgeber angestellt wird, bei dem sie unmittelbar vor der Arbeitslosigkeit beschäftigt gewesen ist. Welches sind die Ursachen, und was sind die Auswirkungen für die Schweiz? Die hier präsentierte Studie betritt Neuland, da...

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Deutsch / 01/05/2014

Trade Liberalization and Credit Constraints: Reallocations at the Firm Level

Following the idea of heterogeneous firms we examine responses to trade liberalization at the firm level in the presence of capital market imperfections. In our model, entrepreneurs differ in their wealth endowment, causing them to rely differently on external funds. With an imperfect capital market, we show that poor entrepreneurs run smaller firms, are less likely to invest in R...

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English / 01/01/2014

Rankings, Success, and Individual Performance : Evidence from a Natural Experiment

This paper explores the impact of rankings on individual performance in a setting of professional athletes competing for high stakes. We use data on World Cup alpine skiing for the period of 1992-2013 and exploit arguably random differences in race times to identify the causal effect of ranking positions. Our results document a significant decrease in subsequent performance among...

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English / 01/01/2014

Cards'13-Studie: Entwicklungsperspektiven für den Schweizer Zahlungskartenmarkt

Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, den Debit- und Kreditkartenbestand und -umsatz auf der Basis von neuesten Daten zu prognostizieren sowie die neuesten Trends im Schweizer Zahlungskartenmarkt zu beleuchten. Die Bargeldsubstitution hat durch die Debit- und Kreditkarte weiter zugenommen, wobei von der Debitkarte ein stärkerer Effekt ausgeht. Das Wachstum der Kartenumsätze und -...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2014

Die flankierenden Massnahmen - ein (un-)schädliches Placebo?

Seit 2002 gilt auf dem Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt die Personenfreizügigkeit. Das letzte Jahrzehnt war durch ein starkes Bevölkerungs- und Beschäftigungswachstum gekennzeichnet, so wanderten netto rund 70 000 Personen in die Schweiz ein.

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Deutsch / 29/11/2013

What's holding back EU exports to China?

Access to the fast-growing Chinese economy is prized by policymakers and business people. Concerns that European firms are missing out on the Chinese boom have caused soul-searching in Europe about "competitiveness" and led to accusations of Chinese protectionism. For the first 15 members to join the European Union this paper estimates the determinants of the share of each...

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Deutsch / 01/09/2013

Increasing Top Income Shares in Switzerland, Europe and the U.S

Presentation at the conference on "Power and Justice in the Contemporary World-Economy"

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English / 09/08/2013

State and Kinetic Parameters Estimation of Bio-Ethanol Production with Immobilized Cells

In this paper, state and kinetic parameters estimation based on extended Kalman filter (EKF) is proposed. Experimental data from alcoholic fermentation process with immobilized cells is used. The measurements of glucose and ethanol concentration are used as on-line measurements for observers design and biomass concentration is used for results verification. Biomass, substrate and...

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English / 14/05/2013

Volatile Top Income Shares in Switzerland? Reassessing the Evolution Between 1981 and 2008

We study the recent evolution of top incomes in Switzerland. We close the data gap between 1993 and 2003 exploiting the fact that cantons changed their tax system at different points in time which allows us to use the non-changing cantons as control group. The results show that the share of top incomes has risen, the top 0.01% share even doubled in the last 20 years. However, top...

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English / 01/01/2013

Globalization and Productivity in the Developing World

We explore the impact of international trade in a monopolistically competitive economy that encompasses technology choice and an endogenous distribution of mark-ups due to credit frictions. We show that in such an environment a gradual opening of trade may ?but not necessarily must ?have a negative impact on productivity and overall output. The reason is that the pro-competitive...

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English / 01/01/2013


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