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Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Mit einem zweiteiligen Beitrag werden wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen der BWL nach ihrem Entdeckungs-, Begründungs- und Verwendungszusammenhang gegliedert. Dies erlaubt eine einfache Systematisierung methodologischer Streitfragen.

Wiederabdruck in: Raffée, H./Abel, B. (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundfragen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, München:...

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Deutsch / 01/07/1976

Transparency in Parliamentary Voting

We use a change in the voting procedures of one of the two chambers of the Swiss parliament to explore how transparency affects the voting behavior of its members. Until 2013, the Upper House (Council of States) had voted by a show of hands. While publicly observable at the time of the vote, legislators' decisions could only be verified ex post through the time-consuming...

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Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zum Kunden

Wer sein Unternehmen kundenzentriert gestalten möchte, muss das gesamte Unternehmen auf die Kunden ausrichten. Eine kundenzentrierte Strategie ist ein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung - aber noch nicht mehr. Zur erfolgreichen Realisierung einer kundenzentrierten Strategie müssen die „harten“ und „weichen“ Faktoren der Customer Centricity in den Einklang gebracht sowie die...

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Purpose Research has shown that activist consumers create places that are imbued with idiosyncratic meanings, conventions, rules, and activities. However, research on why and how such places are created is scant.
Methodology/approach This ethnography in the context of voluntary refugee helpers shows why and how a meaningful place is produced.
Findings By drawing on...

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Moral Sharing: Teilen zwischen Unternehmen und Konsumenten

Die folgende Studie untersucht ein alternatives Sharing Modell, in welchem durch eine nicht-monetäre Kooperation zwischen Einzelhandel und Konsumenten inno- vative Wege beschritten werden, um der Lebensmittelverschwendung zu begeg- nen. Mittels einer empirischen Studie werden Motivationen von Einzelhandel und Konsumenten beleuchtet und Implikationen für CSR Programme gegeben

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Fair Is Good, but What Is Fair? Negotiations of Distributive Justice in an Emerging Nonmonetary Sharing Model

By means of an ethnographic approach, this research examines perceptions of fairness and consumer behavior in an emerging nonmonetary sharing system. In contrast to market exchanges, which are defined by clear rules and principles of reciprocity, the redistribution of goods in a “sharing” context is in many cases less institu- tionalized and thus open to contestation. We draw on...

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Cultural distance and entry modes: implications for global expansion strategy

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to take a strategic perspective on how MNEs in the retail sector decide to enter a new market. Drawing on transaction cost theory, the contingency approach and resource-based theory, the implications of the interplay between global strategy, cultural distance and entry mode strategies are examined by means of an analysis of Carrefour’s global...

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The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma

Stigmas, or discredited personal attributes, emanate from social perceptions of physical characteristics, aspects of character, and “tribal” associations (e.g., race; Goffman 1963). Extant research has emphasized the perspective of the stigma target, with some scholars exploring how social institutions shape stigma. Yet the ways stakeholders within the sociocommercial sphere create,...

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Endogenous Growth, Semi-endogenous Growth... or Both? A Simple Hybrid Model

First generation endogenous growth models had the counterfactual implication that the long-term growth of per-capita GDP increased with the population size. Two influential growth paradigms, the semi-endogenous and the second generation fully endogenous, eliminated this strong scale effect. Both solutions have useful aspects and
insights, but very different policy implications...

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Imbalanced Catch-up to Rational Expectations: Capital Flows during Convergence

How long shall a country take to learn the world technological frontier? What would happen if that country found the same difficulties in learning the true model of its economy? After all, countries catching up often experience life-changing transformations during the catch-up to a balanced growth path. We show that an open economy, learning rational expectations alongside foreign...

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The Imbalanced Catch-up to Rational Expectations: Capital Flows during Convergence

How long shall a country take to learn the world technological frontier? What would happen if that country found the same difficulties in learning the true model of its economy? After all, countries catching up often experience life-changing transformations during the catch-up to a balanced growth path. We show that an open economy, learning rational expectations alongside foreign...

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Regional Inflation, Banking Integration, and Dollarization

We exploit variation in consumer price inflation across seventy-one Russian regions to examine the relationship between the perceived stability of the domestic currency and financial dollarization. Our results show that regions with higher inflation experience an increase in the dollarization of household deposits and a decrease in the dollarization of loans. The impact of inflation...

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Immigration, Real Estate Prices and the Consumption Decision of Native Households

Since house prices govern the consumption decisions of renters and owners alike, changing house prices can have far-reaching macroeconomic consequences. We analyze how the disposable income and consumption decisions of households are affected by exogenous house price changes in Switzerland. We look at consumption of both housing and nondurable goods to establish a comprehensive...

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Win-win and no-win situations in supply chain finance: The case of accounts receivable programs

The paper aims to investigate whether supply chain finance (SCF) solutions have the potential to create tripartite value in the international trade arena. Distinguishing three actors, this value proposition is examined by modeling an accounts receivable platform (ARP) program. The setting is adapted to a supply chain with an OECD supplier and non-OECD buyers. The paper identifies...

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Kaum Wachstum – Schweizer Logistikmarkt hält den Atem an

Die Auswirkungen des Frankenschocks bringen auch die Schweizer Logistikbranche ins Wanken. Nach ersten Berechnungen wird das Logistikmarktvolumen im Jahr 2015 um 0,9 Prozent auf 38,8 Milliarden Franken sinken. Für 2016 ist wieder mit einem leichten Wachstum zu rechnen.

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