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Overcoming constraints of collective imagination: An inquiry into activist entrepreneuring, disruptive truth-telling and the creation of ‘possible worlds’

This article introduces ‘activist entrepreneuring’ to suggest a fresh understanding of en- trepreneuring which foregrounds how constraints of imagination are removed through critical speech. Specifically, we link Michel Foucault's work on parrhesia, or courageous speech, and various literatures on (utopian) imagination to discuss ‘disruptive truth-telling’ as the generative...

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English / 01/01/2018

Efficiency Versus Effectiveness in Hospitals: A Dynamic Simulation Approach

Hospitals provide highly sophisticated services, but they are largely
steered by means of simplistic management models, which do not match the complexities faced by these organizations. The design of management models in hospitals and public organizations at large shows a bend toward reductionism. The reductionism of these models is rooted in their short-termism, and in the...

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English / 01/01/2018

Communication and attention dynamics: An attention-based view of strategic change

The attention-based view (ABV) has highlighted the role of organizational attention in strategic decision making and adaptation. The tendency to view communication channels as “pipes and prisms” for information processing has, however, limited its ability to address strategic change. We propose a broader role for communication as a process by which actors can attend to and engage...

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English / 01/01/2018

Jeder kann führen

Rezension zu "Jeder kann führen: Über moderne Führung zwischen Systemdenken und Menschlichkeit" von Timm Richter

Eine neue Generation meldet sich zu Wort
Die Vereinfachungskraft klaren Denkens wird hier eindrucksvoll demonstriert. Wem Peter Druckers "The Effective Executive" altmodisch erscheint, findet bei Richter eine zeitgemässe Fortschreibung.

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Deutsch / 04/12/2017


In che modo le piccole imprese possono crescere e quali sono gli aspetti di cui tenere conto per far sì che, sviluppandosi, l’azienda resti sana?

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Italiano / 26/11/2017


De quelles manières les petites entreprises peuvent-elles croître et quelles mesures doivent-elles prendre pour afficher une croissance saine?

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Français / 26/11/2017

Der Markt ist ethisch blind

Ethisches Wirtschaften setzt tragfähige Rechtsnormen voraus: Warum es die Konzernverantwortungsinitiative braucht.
Replik zum Gastbeitrag "Eine Verrechtlichung dient niemandem" von Markus Huppenbauer im Tages-Anzeiger v. 20. November 2017, S. 11.

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Deutsch / 22/11/2017

Frauen in Führungspositionen: Wenig erreicht, viel zu tun,aber alles in Butter?

Kaum etwas hat sich in den letzten Jahrzenten so verändert wie die Geschlechterverhältnisse. Frauen haben im Bildungsbereich aufgeholt – sie stellen einen Anteil von über 50% bei Matura, Studium und auch den Hochschulabschlüssen. Frauen verfügen über die gleichen politischen Rechte und es wird als normal angesehen, dass Mütter erwerbstätig sind. Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter...

Deutsch / 21/11/2017

Third-Party Logistics Providers in the Digital Age: Towards a New Competitive Arena?

This paper looks at the impact of digitalization on third-party logistics (3PL) business models. An eclectic framework for the analysis of digital disruptions in service industries is elaborated by linking Porter’s five forces to insights from research on digitalization and innovation. Applying this framework to the business field of 3PL reveals that logistics service providers face...

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English / 04/11/2017

Grundzüge der Führungsethik

Eröffnungsbeitrag zum Dossier "Führung, Werte und Verantwortung" im Webmagazin FORUM WIRTSCHAFTSETHIK des Deutschen Netzwerks Wirtschaftsethik (DNWE).

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Deutsch / 03/11/2017

From a Society of Second‐Handers to Galt’s Gulch: Ayn Rand’s Counter‐Worlds

In the wake of the economic crisis and with the rise of the Tea Party Movement in the United States, Ayn Rand’s novels have been (re-)discovered by a large readership. Advocating a stark individualism and laissez-faire capitalism, Rand’s opus magnum "Atlas Shrugged" (1957) resonates with many Americans’ fears that their country may resemble more and more the dystopian world...

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/ 01/11/2017


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