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International Diversification and Firm Performance : The Moderating Role of Ownership Structure


Previous research found mixed empirical results of the international diversification-performance relationship (i.e., S-shaped and inverted U-shaped). Our study develops a theoretical framework to address this inconsistency in the literature. Specifically, we propose that multinational enterprises' (MNEs) ownership structure (i.e., public vs. private) moderates the effect of international diversification on firm performance. Since previous research found that the possession of certain assets, such as financial and human capital, might be driving superior international performance, we propose that public MNEs may be able to outperform private MNEs, especially at higher levels of international diversification, because of their superior access to financial capital markets and experienced top managers.

Performance Implications of Related Product-Market and Business-Model Diversification


This study develops a conceptual framework that captures key dimensions of product-market relatedness (i.e., product and customer relatedness) and business-model relatedness (i.e., value-proposition and distribution-channel relatedness). While previous research has typically investigated how related diversification along the product dimension affects performance, this study argues that superior performance may be driven by heretofore widely neglected intangible dimensions of relatedness beyond the product dimension. We test this argument using a unique dataset of 170 multiunit chain organizations for the period from 1999 to 2010. We first verify prior empirical findings by showing that related product diversification alone appears to be positively related to performance. Moreover, beyond previous findings, results show that related diversification along the customer and value-proposition dimensions also increases performance. Interestingly, the tangible product dimension of relatedness becomes insignificant in combination with intangible relatedness dimensions, providing support for our argument that superior performance is mainly driven by resource flows along intangible dimensions of relatedness.

Corporate Diversification and Firm Performance : The Role of Product-Market and Business-Model Relatedness


This study examines the relative importance of three relatedness dimensions - product, customer, and business-model relatedness - to explain corporate performance. Using a unique dataset of 170 multiunit chain organizations from 1999 to 2010, we first verify prior empirical findings by showing that related product diversification is positively associated with performance. Beyond previous findings, results Show that related customer and business-model diversification is also positively associated with performance. Interestingly, when simultaneously examined, related product diversification becomes insignificant, while related customer and business-model diversification remain significantly positively associated with performance. This finding suggests that the concepts of customer and business-model relatedness may be better able to capture resource relatedness among lines of business than the predominantly used concept of product relatedness.

The Performance Implications of Related and Unrelated Within-Industry Diversification


Different from previous literature on cross-industry diversification, this study investigates the performance implications of multiunit firms’ related and unrelated diversification within a single industry. Results of the world’s leading retail firms’ unit (i.e., retail format) diversification behavior over thirteen years (from 1997 to 2009) show that profits first decrease at low levels of relatedness and then increase at an increasingly higher level as corporate parents focus stronger on related within-industry diversification. Moreover, we find suggestive evidence that unrelated within-industry diversification has a negative effect on profits. Finally, the study indicates that especially related diversifiers who exceed a distinct (minimum) level of related within-industry diversification are able to develop capabilities over time that lead to superior firm performance.

The Impact of Assortment Diversification on Market-based and Accounting-based Firm Performance

Assortment Diversification and the Trade-Off between Sales Growth and Profit Maximization : (Global SIG Special Session)

Zugangsmöglichkeiten zum US-amerikanischen Kapitalmarkt für deutsche Unternehmen

Unternehmen ignorieren die Macht der Sprache

Umsatzwachstum mit sparenden Konsumenten


Das Sparverhalten privater Haushalte gewinnt seit einigen Jahren an Relevanz. Eine quantitative empirische Untersuchung analysiert erstmals, wie sich Einstellungen, Präferenzen und Einkaufsgewohnheiten verändern, wenn Konsumenten sparen. Ein Stufenkonzept zeigt, wie Unternehmer und Shopper mit Sparbedürfnissen reagieren können.

Schweizer Apotheken- und Drogeriemarkt - Report 2014/15 : Der Einkaufsprozess von OTC-Arzneimitteln


Der Einkauf von Arzneimitteln unterliegt einem Wandel. Hierzu tragen beispielsweise technologische Entwicklungen und gesetzliche Veränderungen bei. Kundenbedürfnisse und -trends im Einkaufsverhalten zu kennen und zu verstehen sind Schlüssel zum Aufbau von Konkurrenzvorteilen.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudolph und Dr. Maximilian Weber stellen den Konsumenten von rezeptfreien Arzneimitteln in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Untersuchungen.
Die Studie basiert auf einer repräsentativen Befragung von mehr als 700 Konsumenten. Sie richtet sich insbesondere an Apotheker, Drogisten und Mitarbeiter von Pharmaunternehmen. Die Studie verzichtet bewusst auf lange Fliesstexte und führt stattdessen mit anschaulichen Abbildungen und Zusammenfassungen durch die Ergebnisse.
Die Studie hilft dem Leser, das Gefühl für den Markt von rezeptfreien Arzneimitteln zu schärfen und sensibilisiert ihn für aktuelle Kundenbedürfnisse.


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