Recherche économique

Why does the Job Corps increase gender earnings inequality?


Several studies considering the Job Corps find more positive earnings effects for males than for females. This effect heterogeneity in favor of males contrasts with the results of the majority of other training program evaluations. Applying the translated quantile approach of Bitler, Hoynes, and Domina (2014), I show that the main mechanism behind the surprising findings for the Job Corps operates through existing gender earnings inequality rather than Job Corps trainability differences by gender. A program assignment mechanism that balances the earnings structure could increase earnings opportunities without promoting gender inequality.

Die wahren Kosten der Frühverrentung


Frühverrentungsprogramme schaffen keine neuen Arbeitsplätze und belasten die Sozialkassen. Darüber hinaus zerstört die Möglichkeit, das Erwerbsleben zu verkürzen, auf beiden Seiten des Arbeitsmarktes Anreize zur Humankapitalbildung. Die Folge: eine langfristige Schwächung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft.

Aggregate Returns to Individual Decisions : development, income inequality and competition for jobs and workers


In general, economic decisions are made in order to maximize individual well-being or, equivalently, to maximize the returns of these decisions to the individual. However, while taking their environment as given, the decision-makers often do not explicitly take into account what consequences their decisions have on the aggregate level. Many macroeconomic phenomena can be seen as unintended or unforeseen consequences, 'returns', to the decisions of rational individuals. This book presents several models in this spirit. The first part investigates the role of individual education decisions for long-term development and international differences in earnings inequality. The second part focuses on the consequences of individual search decisions on the labor market for the observed patterns of job creation.

The importance of air cargo and air cargo security for economies, population and value chains


This article highlights the social and economic importance of air freight, explains the operations of air freight supply chains and shows approaches that contribute to efficient air freight security regimes

Mniej luk na regalach - Jak zwalczac Out-of-Stocks (Combatting stockouts)


Out-of-stocks are a major irritant to consumers in today's retail environment and lead to the erosion of revenues and loyalty for retailers as well as consumer goods manufacturers. By conducting manual in store stockout audits and understanding their root causes, product availability can be managed. The example of a Swiss wholesaler shows that this results in higher turnovers, lower operational costs and satisfied customers

Dostępność produktów dostosowana do popytu i zadowalająca klientów (Demand-based on-shelf availability) : Accounting for intraday sales patterns in retail logistics


To enable growth and secure customer loyalty in retailing it is essential to have products available on the shelf as required by customers. This idea is at the core of demand-based shelf-availability concepts which take into account intraday sales patterns for retail logistics. An example of a successful Japanese retailer is given that shows improved performance after implementing a demand-based shelf-availability concept in alignment with store delivery

Health and Economic Development: Evidence from the Introduction of Public Health Care

What effect do vocational training vouchers have on the unemployed?


The objective of providing vocational training for the unemployed is to increase their chances of re-employment and human capital accumulation. In comparison to mandatory course assignment by case workers, the awarding of vouchers increases recipients’ freedom to choose between different courses and makes non-redemption a possibility. In addition, vouchers may introduce market mechanisms between training providers. However, empirical evidence suggests that voucher allocation mechanisms prolong the unemployment duration of training participants. But, after an initial period of deterioration, better long-term employment opportunities are possible.

Beurteilung der Schweizerischen Uhrenmessen in Genf und Basel

Expertise zur Überprüfung und Beurteilung des Berechnungsansatzes für den Mietpreisindex im Rahmen der Revision LIK 2000


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