Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Effect of nutrition on postprandial glucose control in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes receiving fully automated closed‐loop insulin therapy


Banholzer, Nicolas; Herzig, David; Piazza, Camillo; Alvarez-Martinez, Mario; Nakas, Christos T.; Kosinski, Christophe; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Hovorka, Roman; Bally, Lia

Citations Driven by Social Connections? A Multi-Layer Representation of Coauthorship Networks


Zingg, Christian; Nanumyan, Vahan; Schweitzer, Frank

Nocturnal cough and sleep quality to assess asthma control and predict attacks


Tinschert, Peter; Rassouli, Frank; Barata, Filipe; Steurer-Stey, Claudia; Fleisch, Elgar; Puhan, Milo A.; Kowatsch, Tobias; Brutsche, Martin

Webinar zum LehrstellenPuls: Ergebnisse LehrstellenPuls November 2020


Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

Ergebnisse LehrstellenPuls November 2020


Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

Characteristics of asthma-related nocturnal cough – a potential new digital biomarker


Rassouli, Frank; Tinschert, Peter; Barata, Filipe; Steurer-Stey, Claudia; Fleisch, Elgar; Puhan, Milo A.; Baty, Florent; Kowatsch, Tobias; Brutsche, Martin

Apprenticeship Pulse Results November 2020


Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

Gewichtung und Repräsentativität der Ergebnisse


Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

Résultats du Pouls des places d'apprentissage d'novembre 2020


Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

Projection of Net Benefits for Companies in the Dual VET-Apprenticeship Programme in Nepal


Bolli, Thomas; Bolli-Kemper, Johanna Mirka; Parajuli, Mahesh N.; Renold, Ursula; Thapa, Binayak Krishna


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