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Le devoiir de juger. (Une affaire de foulard)

Cet article prend appui sur une histoire qui occupa la chronique genevoise pendant quelques années: une institutrice, travaillant au Département de l'instruction publique du canton de Genève, convertie à l'Islam, affirmait sa volonté de donner la classe revêtue du foulard islamique. Le Département lui signifia son opposition et son interdiction de le faire. Il s'en...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1998

On the asymptotic convergence to mixed equilibria in 2×2 asymmetric games

We analyse the stability properties of mixed equilibria in 2×2 asymmetric games under evolutionary dynamics. With the standard replicator dynamics these equilibria are stable but not asymptotically stable. We modified the replicator dynamics by introducing players of two types: myopies — like in the standard replicator dynamics — and best
responders. The behaviour of the latter...

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English / 01/12/1997

Wofür sind Unternehmen verantwortlich? : Teil I: Zu den institutionenethischen Voraussetzungen der unternehmensethischen Verantwortungskonzeption

Der zweiteilig angelegte Beitrag möchte einer systematisch begründeten unternehmensethischen Verantwortungskonzeption zuarbeiten. In diesem ersten Teil werden zunächst die prinzipielle Un-ausweichlichkeit institutionenethischer Grundannahmen über die "richtige" Wirtschaftsordnung, von der her die gesellschaftliche Rolle der Unternehmen zu begründen ist, und die...

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Deutsch / 01/11/1997

The impact of income inequality on product diversity and long-run economic growth in a model with hierarchical demand

The paper presents an empirical analysis of a model of endogenous growth and innovation with unequal incomes and hierarchical consumer demand. The theoretical model predicts a positive impact of income inequality on product diversity. The impact of inequality on per-capita growth may be positive or negative depending upon the assumptions about productivity growth, where the standard...

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English / 01/10/1997

New Techniques to Extract Market Expectations from Financial Instruments

This paper is a selective survey of new or recent methods to extract information about market expectations from asset prices for monetary policy purposes. Traditionally, interest rates and forward exchange rates have been used to extract expected means of future interest rates, exchange rates and inflation. More recently, these methods have been refined to rely on implied forward...

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English / 01/10/1997

A Stochastic Optimization Model for the Investment of Savings Account Deposits

A bank's financial management faces various sources of uncertainty when funds from savings account deposits are invested in the marketplace. Future interest rates are unknown and customers are allowed to withdraw their deposits at any point in time. The objective is to find a portfolio of fixed income instruments that maximizes the bank's interest surplus from the...

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English / 03/09/1997

Linear Duality, Term Structure, and Valuation

The paper's objective is to interpret no-arbitrage conditions by means of linear programming. Basic statements about the term structure of a market with frictions can be derived using the relation of primal and associated dual programs. The duality concept applies mutatis mutandis to the valuation of cash flows from an individual investor's point of view.

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English / 03/09/1997

Wider die totale Marktgesellschaft - Zur Ideologiekritik des neoliberalen Ökonomismus aus der Perspektive der integrativen Wirtschaftsethik

'Mehr Markt!' lautet heute das (allzu) simple neoliberale Generalrezept zur Lösung fast aller gesellschafts- und wirtschaftspolitischen Probleme. Dass dies der Standpunkt bestimmter, vorrangig an ihren Partikularinteressen orientierter Wirtschaftspraktiker und Politiker ist, verwundert nicht unbedingt. Schwerer nachzuvollziehen ist, dass auch die überwiegende Zahl der...

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Deutsch / 20/04/1997


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