Publications des institutions partenaires

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Value of co-benefits from energy saving ventilation systems–Contingent valuations on Swiss home owners

Boogen, Nina; Filippini, Massimo; Martinez Cruz, Adan L.

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English, Deutsch / 01/03/2022

TableParser: Automatic Table Parsing with Weak Supervision from Spreadsheets

Rao, Susie Xi; Rausch, Johannes; Egger, Peter H.; Zhang, Ce; Rao, Susie Xi

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English, Deutsch / 01/03/2022

Engagement for supply chain sustainability: A guide

Grimm, Julia; Howard-Grenville, Jennifer (2021). Engagement for supply chain sustainability: A guide. Cambridge: Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

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English / 22/02/2022

Effects of COVID-19 shutdowns on domestic violence in US cities

Miller, Amalia R; Segal, Carmit; Spencer, Melissa K (2021). Effects of COVID-19 shutdowns on domestic violence in US cities. NBER Working Paper Series 29429, National Bureau of Economic Research.

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English / 22/02/2022

It’s so boring – or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs

Wihler, Andreas; Hülsheger, Ute R; Reb, Jochen; Menges, Jochen I (2022). It’s so boring – or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95:131-154.

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English / 18/02/2022

The effect of international subsidiaries on voluntary disclosure - evidence from natural disasters

Oesch, David; Urban, Felix (2021). The effect of international subsidiaries on voluntary disclosure - evidence from natural disasters. Accounting and Business Research:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 17/02/2022

Blinded by a social cause? Differences in cognitive biases between social and commercial entrepreneurs

Hietschold, Nadine; Voegtlin, Christian (2021). Blinded by a social cause? Differences in cognitive biases between social and commercial entrepreneurs. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship:1-23.

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English / 16/02/2022

Tertiary education expansion and regional firm development

Schlegel, Tobias; Pfister, Curdin; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2022). Tertiary education expansion and regional firm development. Regional Studies:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 14/02/2022

Wesentliche Neuerungen der Aktienrechtsrevision kurzgefasst

Pfaff, Dieter (2021). Wesentliche Neuerungen der Aktienrechtsrevision kurzgefasst. Rechnungswesen und Controlling, (1):30-33.

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English / 14/02/2022

Middle Managers’ Struggle Over Their Subject Position in Open Strategy Processes

Splitter, Violetta; Jarzabkowski, Paula; Seidl, David (2021). Middle Managers’ Struggle Over Their Subject Position in Open Strategy Processes. Journal of Management Studies:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 10/02/2022

What theory is and can be: Forms of theorizing in organizational scholarship

Cornelissen, Joep; Höllerer, Markus A; Seidl, David (2021). What theory is and can be: Forms of theorizing in organizational scholarship. Organization Theory, 2(3):1-19.

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English / 10/02/2022

Rendicontazione secondo CO – Novità introdotte dal nuovo diritto azionario

Pfaff, Dieter (2021). Rendicontazione secondo CO – Novità introdotte dal nuovo diritto azionario. Rechnungswesen und Controlling, (2):30-31.

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English / 10/02/2022

Rendicontazione secondo CO – Novità introdotte dal nuovo diritto azionario (2)

Pfaff, Dieter (2021). Rendicontazione secondo CO – Novità introdotte dal nuovo diritto azionario (2). Rechnungswesen und Controlling, (3):24-25.

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English / 10/02/2022

Eisenbahngesellschaften und ihre Kapitalrendite im Vergleich

Pfaff, Dieter; Gasser, Michael (2021). Eisenbahngesellschaften und ihre Kapitalrendite im Vergleich. Rechnungswesen und Controlling, (2):5-58.

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English / 10/02/2022

Endogeneity in marketing research

Gui, Raluca Ioana. Endogeneity in marketing research. 2021, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

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English / 09/02/2022

Three essays on higher-order beliefs and accounting

Wenning, Alexander. Three essays on higher-order beliefs and accounting. 2021, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

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English / 09/02/2022

(Not) being granted the right to belong—Amateur football clubs in Germany

Dietl, Helmut; Nobis, Tina; Gomez-Gonzalez, Carlos; Nesseler, Cornel (2021). (Not) being granted the right to belong—Amateur football clubs in Germany. International Review for the Sociology of Sport:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 09/02/2022

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientific research in the life sciences

Riccaboni, Massimo; Verginer, Luca

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English, Deutsch / 09/02/2022


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