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"Der Glaube an die unsichtbare Hand des Marktes ist vorbei"

(Lead des Interviews:) Peter Ulrich glaubt, dass die globale Finanzkrise den Deregulieerungswahn stoppt und die Zeit der masslosen Gier und der Gewinnmaximierung abgelaufen ist. Für den Wirtschaftsethiker an der Universität St. Gallen eröffnet sich heute die Chance, die soziale Marktwirtschaft neu zu definieren.

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Deutsch / 05/11/2008

Aging workforces and challenges to human resource management in German firms

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the main challenges imposed by demographic change on the human resource management (HRM) policies of German companies. Although many more aspects of business are affected by demographic change, such as changes in consumption or in savings and investment and therefore in capital costs, we concentrate on changes in personnel policies...

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English / 03/11/2008

Out of sample forecasts of quadratic variation

We compare the forecasts of Quadratic Variation given by the Realized Volatility (RV) and the Two Scales Realized Volatility (TSRV) computed from high frequency data in the presence of market microstructure noise, under several different dynamics for the volatility process and assumptions on the noise. We show that TSRV largely outperforms RV, whether looking at bias, variance, RMSE...

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English / 01/11/2008

Pflicht zur Prüfung der Existenz des Internen Kontrollsystems: Bestandesaufnahme zur Steuerung und Kontrolle mittelgrosser Unternehmen in der Schweiz

Die Pflicht zur Prüfung der Existenz des IKS betrifft auch etliche mittelgrosse Unternehmen. Im Rahmen einer Umfrage haben die Universität Zürich und PwC bei diesen Unternehmen eine Bestandesaufnahme zu Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage werden präsentiert.

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Deutsch / 01/11/2008

The role of meetings in the social practice of strategy

This paper addresses the recent turn in strategy research to practice-based theorizing. Based on a data set of 51 meeting observations, the paper examines how strategy meetings are involved in either stabilizing existing strategic orientations or proposing variations that cumulatively generate change in strategic orientations. Eleven significant structuring characteristics of...

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English / 01/11/2008

Integrated Bayesian models of learning and decision making for saccadic eye movements

The neurophysiology of eye movements has been studied extensively, and several computational models have been proposed for decision-making processes that underlie the generation of eye movements towards a visual stimulus in a situation of uncertainty. One class of models, known as linear rise-to-threshold models, provides an economical, yet broadly applicable, explanation for the...

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English / 01/11/2008

Awards as Incentives

Non-monetary incentives in the form of awards have so far escaped the attention ofneconomists despite their widespread use. This paper presents an experiment conductednonline at IBM to assess the impact of these kinds of extrinsic incentives. Introducing a hypothetical award has statistically significant effects on stated contributions to a publicngood. Our design allows the...

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English / 01/11/2008

Deadlines and distractions

We consider a task, demanding a sequence of efforts, that must be completed by a deadline. Effort is not contractible. Agents face shocks to their opportunity cost of time and are sometimes distracted from work. We show that agents who are often distracted may outperform agents who are distracted less often. The reason is that anticipation of distractions induces agents to start...

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English / 01/11/2008

Imitative Obesity and Relative Utility

If human beings care about their relative weight, a form of imitative obesity can emerge (in which people subconsciously keep up with the weight of the Joneses). Using Eurobarometer data on 29 countries, this paper provides cross-sectional evidence that overweight perceptions and dieting are influenced by a person’s relative BMI, and longitudinal evidence from the German...

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English / 01/11/2008

Contracts as Reference Points Experimental Evidence

In a recent paper, Hart and Moore (2008) introduce new behavioral assumptions that can explain long term contracts and important aspects of the employment relation. However, sonfar there exists no direct evidence that supports these assumptions and, in particular, Hart and Moore’s notion that contracts provide reference points. In this paper, we examine experimentally the behavioral...

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English / 01/11/2008

Death, Happiness, and the Calculation of Compensatory Damages

"This paper studies the mental distress caused by bereavement. The largest emotional losses are from the death of a spouse; the second-worst in severitynare the losses from the death of a child; the third-worst is the death of a parent. The paper explores how happiness regression equations might benused in tort cases to calculate compensatory damages for emotional harm and pain-...

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English / 01/11/2008

Hedonic Capital and the Foundations of Mental Health

This paper suggests a way to think about human well-being and psychological health. It distinguishes between mental stocks and flows. Central to thenanalysis is a concept we refer to as hedonic capital. This can be thought of as a level of emotional coping resources, or as the underlying stock to which the economist’s idea of a flow of utility corresponds. The model replicates the...

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English / 01/11/2008

Institutions and Economic Growth : A Survey of the Recent Empirical Evidence

We take up the recent discussion about institutions, governance and geography. The main result of this debate is that institutions matter, be they the fundamental cause of growth or not. We first discuss economic institutions safeguarding economic freedom, including the role of
the judiciary, then political institutions, especially democracy. While there is a large consensus...

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English / 01/11/2008

Der blinde Fleck der Schweiz im internationalen Steuerwettbewerb

(Lead) Seit Jahren und erneut in den letzten Tagen geriet die Schweizer Steuerpolitik in die internationale Kritik. Die Empörung im Land ist gross. HSG-Professor Peter Ulrich weist jedoch darauf hin, dass die schweizerische Steuerpolitik gegenüber dem Ausland im Grunde wettbewerbsfeindlich ist.


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Deutsch / 01/11/2008


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