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Gemeingüter und Innovationen

Behindern oder fördern Gemeingüter Innovationen?
In der traditionellen Wirtschaftslehre wird davon ausgegangen, dass Innovationen durch starke geistige Eigentumsrechte gefördert werden.

1 Diese sollen verhindern, dass Probleme der Unterversorgung und Übernutzung auftreten, die in der Literatur in Anlehnung an die Hardinsche Metapher von der sogenannten »Tragedy of the...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2009

Systemic concepts of intervention

Over the last two decades a new approach to consulting has been established that is referred to as “systemic consulting”. This approach to consulting seems to exist almost exclusively within the German-speaking consulting. Systemic consulting is a clearly differentiated approach that has long occupied a rather insignificant niche in the consulting market. In contrast to traditional...

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English / 01/01/2009

The dynamics of collective action in free and open source projects

This dissertation deals with the dynamics of collective action in free and open source software (FOSS) projects. Thereby the following questions are primarily answered:
i) Is the problem of collective action shaped by dynamical forces?
ii) How are different types of motivation related to the dynamics of collective action?

It is basically hypothesized that different...

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English / 01/01/2009

Mitarbeitermotivation im Outsourcing unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Facility Managements

Unternehmen lagern jährlich Betriebseinheiten in Milliardenhöhe an unternehmensexterne Dritte aus. Isabelle Wrase verfolgt die Hypothese, dass bei einem erfolgreichen Outsourcing das aufnehmende Unternehmen die übernommenen Mitarbeiter besser motivieren kann und somit von deren Wissen profitiert. Hierbei bezieht Sie ressourcenorientierte und motivationspsychologische Ansätze mit ein...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2009

Margins of international banking: Is there a productivity pecking order in banking, too?

Modern trade theory emphasizes firm-level productivity differentials to explain
the cross-border activities of non-financial firms. This study tests whether a
productivity pecking order also determines international banking activities. Using
a novel dataset that contains all German banks’ international activities, we
estimate the ordered probability of a...

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English / 01/01/2009

Do banks benefit from internationalization? Revisiting the market power-risk nexus

Recent developments on international financial markets have called the benefits of
bank globalization into question. Large, internationally active banks have
acquired substantial market power, and international activities have not
necessarily made banks less risky. Yet, surprisingly little is known about the
actual link between bank internationalization, bank...

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English / 01/01/2009

New coil positioning method for interleaved transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)/functional MRI (fMRI) and its validation in a motor cortex study

Purpose To develop and test a novel method for coil placement in interleaved transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)/functional MRI (fMRI) studies.Materials and Methods Initially, a desired TMS coil position at the subject's head is recorded using a neuronavigation system. Subsequently, a custom-made holding device is used for coil placement inside the MR scanner. The parameters...

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English / 01/01/2009

Welfare States, Labour Markets, and the Political Opportunities for Collective Action in the field of Unemployment: A Theoretical Framework

As sociological neo-institutionalist theories have shown, social and political institutions are not only a set of rules, procedures, organizational routines and governance structures (see March and Olsen 1984), but they also provide norms and habits that determine individual choices and behaviours. in this chapter, we would like to apply this line of reasoning to propose a...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2009

The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in Europe

Different European nation-states use the most diverse statistical con- structions of foreign origin or ethnic minority populations. Several countries traditionally even shun from producing such data. This makes international comparison a very difficult endeavour. Anyone wanting to perform comparative research on immigrants or (immigrant origin) ethnic minorities in Europe is...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2009

Protest Politics in a Changing Political Context: Switzerland, 1975-2005

This article analyses if and how recent changes within the Swiss political system have influenced different aspects of protest politics (e.g. level, issues, action repertoires, and transnationalization). We argue that opportunities for mobilization have emerged in recent years due to changes in the institutionalized political context and that these changes have at least partially led...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2009

The Policy Impact of Social Movements: A Replication Through Qualitative Comparative Analysis

This article reanalyzes the data of a previous study on the policy impact of antinuclear, ecology, and peace movements in three countries with the aim of replicating its findings. Our goal is to see whether using a different analytical technique will yield similar results. The previous study used a regression approach to time-series analysis. Here, we use qualitative comparative...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2009

Assessing multivariate predictors of financial market movements : a latent factor framework for ordinal data

Much of the trading activity in Equity markets is directed to brokerage houses. In exchange they provide so-called “soft dollars,” which basically are amounts spent in “research” for identifying profitable trading opportunities. Soft dollars represent about USD 1 out of every USD 10 paid in commissions. Obviously they are costly, and it is interesting for an institutional investor to...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2009

A robust coefficient of determination for Regression

To assess the quality of the fit in a multiple linear regression, the coefficient of determination or R2 is a very simple tool, yet the most used by statistics users. It is well known that the classical (least-squares) fit and coefficient of determination can be arbitrary misleading in the presence of a single outlier. In many applied setting, the assumption of normality of the error...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2009


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