Publications des institutions partenaires

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The making of a (vice-)president: party politics, ethnicity, village loyalty and community-driven development

African politics are often said to be dominated by ethnic divides, with the ensuing policies implemented by leaders being based almost exclusively on their ethnic power base. In this paper, we demonstrate that the village of origin of democratically-elected leaders matters for the attribution of development projects in the context of one of the largest Community-Driven Development (...

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/ 08/05/2013

Corruption and the curse: the dictator's choice

We develop a dynamic discrete choice model of a self-interested and unchecked ruler making decisions regarding the exploitation of a resource-rich country. This dictator makes the recursive choice between either investing domestically to live off the productivity of the country while facing the risk of being ousted, or looting the country’s riches by liquefying the resources and...

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/ 07/05/2013

A bargaining theory of trade invoicing and pricing

We develop a theoretical model of international trade pricing in which individual exporters and importers bargain over the transaction price and exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. We find that the choice of price and invoicing currency respects the full market structure, including the extent of fragmentation and the degree of heterogeneity across importers and across exporters...

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/ 22/04/2013

Trade effects of export taxes

Export taxes usage has recently risen. They are widely presumed to affect trade, but the lack of data has prevented a systematic evaluation of their trade effects. Based on a new dataset of tax rates at the product level, this paper estimates the distortionary trade effects of export taxes. The results, which are based on theory-consistent estimation of a structural gravity model,...

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/ 16/04/2013

Panel export taxes (PET) dataset : new data on export tax rates

This paper describes a newly collected dataset on export tax rates, which provides comprehensive coverage for 20 countries, 2 time periods and all products at HS6 level. Export tax rates are based on national government documentation, including preferential provisions for partner countries. The data are organized in a harmonized and comparable format, including ad-valorem equivalents...

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/ 16/04/2013

Does community driven development work? : evidence from Senegal

Community Driven Development (CDD) programs are an extremely important component of the World Bank’s portfolio in the developing world, representing close to $7 billion in 2003, yet solid empirical evidence on their impact is relatively scarce, especially for Subsaharan Africa. In this paper, we consider the impact on access to basic services, household expenditures and child...

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/ 10/04/2013

Essential heterogeneity in the impact of community driven development

We consider essential heterogeneity in the impact of a large-scale Community-Driven Development (CDD) program in Senegal. Essential heterogeneity arises when unobservables determine the idiosyncratic gains from participation in a program, thereby generating correlation between treatment effects and selection. Standard instrumental variables estimates are shown to provide an extremely...

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/ 10/04/2013

Understanding the GATT's wins and the WTO's woes

The WTO’s predicament is a puzzle. Compared to other international organisations it is a huge success, yet the WTO is widely regarded as suffering from a deep malaise. Exhibit A is the inability to conclude a round of multilateral trade negotiations. The last one came in 1994; the current talks (the Doha Round) are in their ninth year and far from done.1 Exhibit B is that most WTO...

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/ 13/03/2013

Global supply chains: why they emerged, why they matter, and where they are going

Global supply chains have transformed the world. They revolutionised development options facing poor nations – now they can join supply chains rather than having to invest decades in building their own. Offshoring of labour-intensive manufacturing stages and the attendant international mobility of technology launched era-defining growth in emerging markets – a change that fosters and...

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/ 13/03/2013

Does additional spending help urban schools? An evaluation using boundary discontinuities

Improvement of educational attainment in schools in urban, disadvantaged areas is an important priority for policy – particularly in countries like England which have a long tail at the bottom of the educational distribution and where there is much concern about low social mobility. An anomaly in the spatial dimension of school funding policy in England allows us to examine the...

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/ 13/03/2013

Colonial institutions, trade shocks, and the diffusion of elementary education in Brazil, 1889-1930

In this paper, we examine the role of trade shocks in promoting the diffusion of elementary education in subnational units in Brazil during a period (1889-1930) in which they had relative financial autonomy to collect export taxes and spend on public goods. The argument is that trade shocks affect asymetrically the tax revenues of state governments and, thus, their expenditures on...

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/ 13/03/2013

Variation in educational outcomes and policies across countries and of schools within countries

The motivation for this paper is to increase our understanding of the way in which inequality in educational outcomes and in the relation between measures of backgrounds is related to levels and dispersion of educational performance of young persons. The article thus sheds light on the international variation in the importance of socioeconomic status in affecting the quality of...

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/ 13/03/2013

Fiscal policy, interest rates and risk premia in open economy

This paper reconsiders the effects of fiscal policy on long-term interest rates and sovereign spreads employing a Factor Augmented Panel (FAP) to control for the presence of common unobservable factors. We construct a real-time dataset of macroeconomic and fiscal variables for a panel of OECD countries for the period 1989-2009. We find that two global factors - the global monetary...

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/ 08/03/2013

Standard essential patents : who is really holding up (and when)?

This paper analyzes the effect of injunctions on royalty negotiations for standard essential patents. We develop a model in which courts grant injunctions only when they have sufficient evidence that the prospective licensee is unwilling, in line with the way we understand Courts to operate in Europe. In such a framework the prospective licensee has a powerful strategic tool: the...

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/ 08/03/2013

Do we need a mechanism for solving sovereign debt crises? A rule-based discussion

This paper uses the rules of engineering as a rhetorical device to discuss why the international financial architecture needs a structured mechanism for dealing with sovereign insolvency. The paper suggests that the most important problem with the status-quo relates to delayed defaults and sketches a proposal aimed at mitigating this problem.

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/ 08/03/2013

Finance and economic development in a model with credit rationing

This paper develops a simple model with credit rationing and endogenous default risk in which the expectation of a bailout may lead to a financial sector which is too large with respect to the the social optimum. The paper concludes with a short discussion of how this model could be used as a building block for models aimed at endogenizing the probability of a bailout, and discussing...

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/ 08/03/2013

Collective action clauses before they had airplanes : bondholder committees and the London Stock Exchange in the 19th century (1827-1868)

This paper unpacks the operation of foreign debt bondholder committees before the creation of the British Corporation of Foreign Bondholders (CFB) in 1868. I argue that many ideas about this period need to be revisited. In particular, my evidence (which uses archival work to describe market microstructures) shows the importance of the London Stock Exchange as a Court of Arbitration....

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/ 08/03/2013

Does intra-Africa regional trade cooperation enhance Africa's export survival?

In this paper, I use a stratified Cox Proportional Hazard Model to econometrically evaluate the effects of intra-Africa regional trade cooperation and other underlying factors on Africa`s export survival. Using a highly disaggregated dataset of bilateral trade flows at HS 6 digit level for 49 African countries for the period 1995 to 2009, I obtain 3 key main empirical results. First...

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/ 08/03/2013


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