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Stochastic Utility Theorem

This paper analyzes individual decision making under risk. It is assumed that an individualndoes not have a preference relation on the set of risky lotteries. Instead, an individual possesses a probability measure that captures the likelihood of one lottery being chosen over the other. Choice probabilities have a stochastic utility representation if they can benwritten as a non-...

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English / 01/01/2007

On the interaction between risk sharing and capital accumulation in a stochastic OLG model with production

We analyze the interaction between risk sharing and capital accumulation in a stochastic OLG model with production. We give a complete characterization of interim Pareto optimal competitive equilibrium allocations. Furthermore, we provide
tests of Pareto optimality/suboptimality based on (risky) rates of return only.

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English / 01/01/2007

The great capitol hill baby sitting co-op: Anecdote or evidence for the optimum quantity of money?

This paper studies a centralized market with idiosyncratic uncertainty and money as a medium of exchange from a theoretical as well as an experimental perspective. In our model, prices are fixed and markets are cleared by rationing. We prove the existence of stationary monetary equilibria and of an optimum quantity of money. The rational solution of our model, which is based on the...

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English / 01/01/2007

The earnings game with behavioral investors

This paper studies how the investors' attitude towards earnings surprises a®ects the managers' incentives to manipulate earnings in an intertemporal context, where the consensus forecast of the analysts is not exogenously given but determined by the strategic interaction between the analysts and the managers. Our analysis shows that given the asymmetric investors'...

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English / 01/01/2007

Why does implied risk aversion smile?

Implied risk aversion estimates reported in the literature are strongly U-shaped. This article explores different potential explanations for these “smile” patterns: (i) preference aggregation, both with and without stochastic volatility and jumps in returns, (ii) misestimation of investors’ beliefs caused by stochastic volatility, jumps, or a Peso problem, and (iii) heterogeneous...

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English / 01/01/2007

Approximate generalizations and computational experiments

In this paper I demonstrate how one can generalize finitely many examples to statements about (infinite) classes of economic models. If there exist upper bounds on the number of connected components of one-dimensional linear subsets of the set of parameters for which a conjecture is true, one can conclude that it is correct for all parameter values in the class considered, except for...

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English / 01/01/2007

Auswirkungen eines Hochrisikopools auf die Risikoselektion im Schweizer Krankenversicherungs-Wettbewerb: Eine empirische Klärung

In der Volksabstimmung vom 11. März 2007 unterstützte eine grosse Mehrheit der Schweizer Stimmberechtigten einmal mehr den Wettbewerb in der sozialen Krankenversicherung. Die Diskussionen im Vorfeld des Urnengangs zeigten aber ebenso deutlich, dass die Risikoselektion auf wenig Verständnis
stösst. Besonders stark wird – inzwischen auch von einer Mehrheit der Krankenversicherer...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2007

Resisting the power of temptations: the right prefrontal cortex and self-control

Imagine you are overweight and you spot your favorite pastry in the storefront of a bakery. How do you manage to resist this temptation? Or to give other examples, how do you manage to restrain yourself from overspending or succumbing to sexual temptations? The present article summarizes two recent studies stressing the fundamental importance of inhibition in the process of decision...

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English / 01/01/2007

Pay-TV vs. Free-TV: A model of sports broadcasting rights sales

INTRODUCTION In recent years, the importance of income from broadcasting rights for professional sports clubs' revenues has increased significantly both in the U.S. and in Europe [see Cave and Crandall, 2001]. While up to the 1980s gate receipts have constituted the major pillar of revenues, this role has since been taken over by income out of broadcasting rights sales [Andreff...

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English / 01/01/2007

Erhebung der Kosten für die Grundversorgung - Vor- und Nachteile der Methoden

Der Schweizer Postmarkt soll für die Konkurrenz geöffnet werden. Gleichzeitig soll die Grundversorgung – der so genannte Service Public – weiterhin gewährleistet sein. Mit der Marktöffnung wird dem ehemaligen Monopolisten die Grundlage zur Finanzierung der Grundversorgung entzogen.
Zur Sicherstellung der Grundversorgung im Wettbewerb muss der ehemalige Monopolanbieter deshalb...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2007

Managerial Guidance and Analysts' Underreaction

Empirical investigations of analysts forecast surveys concerning earnings realizations find significant time varying biases usually attributed to the analysts liability to cognitive limitations. For example, a positive autocorrelation of analysts forecast errors is commonly explained by analysts underreaction. In this paper we develop a random dynamical system describing the...

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English / 01/01/2007


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