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Are Grouped Data Robustly Fitted?

In this paper we compute the IF of a general class of estimators for grouped data, namely the class of MPE. We find that this IF can be large although it is bounded. Therefore, we propose a more general class of estimators, the MGP-estimators, which include the class of estimators based on the power divergence statistic and permits to define robust estimators. By analogy with Hampel...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1995

Choosing between two parametric models robustly

In this paper we propose a robust version of Cox-type test statistics for the choice between two non-nested hypotheses. We first show that the influence of small amounts of contamination in the data on the test decision can be very large. Secondly we build a robust test statistic by using the results on robust parametric tests available in the literature and show that the level of...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1995

Asset-Allokation im Lebenszyklus und Vintage-Programm

Für private Investoren, die aus laufenden Arbeitseinkommen Finanzkapital bilden, ist das Lebensalter ein dominanter Einflussfaktor für die Anlagestrategie. Die Allokation des Finanzvermögens muss dem Umstand Rechnung tragen, dass der Wert des Humankapitals mit zunehmendem Alter abnimmt. Sie ist nicht konstant wegen der intertemporalen Diversifikation und des Zusammenhangs zwischen...

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Deutsch / 01/01/1995


Der Wert einer Unternehmung ergibt sich nicht allein aus dem Barwert
freier Cashflows (DCF); hinzu kommt der Gesamtwert aller
Flexibilitätsoptionen. In drei Fällen (Industrieunternehmung, Regionalbank, Handelsbank) wird gezeigt, welche kritische Bedeutung Flexibilität einerseits beim Vermögen und andererseits bei der Gestaltung der Beziehung zu Kapitalgebern zukommt. Der...

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Deutsch / 01/01/1995

Labour Supply of Married Women in Poland A Microeconometric Study Based on the Polish Labour Force Survey

ZEW Discussion Paper No.95-12, Mannheim#### not available in German The labour supply of married women in Poland is studied using the Polish Labour Force Survey on three econometric models, viz. Tobit, Three Regime Tobit and Heckit. It is shown that the choice of model has an influence on conclusions drawn. In particular, the Tobit model - which has been widely applied in empirical...

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English / 01/01/1995

Etudes de droit du travail

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1995

Income inequality decomposition by income source and the breakdown of inequality differences between two population subgroups

This study analyses first the impact of various income sources on overall income inequality in Switzerland in 1980, on the basis of the Income and Wealth Survey which was conducted during that year. The specific effect of each of these income sources is analyzed separately for male- and female-headed households and an attempt is made to also determine their role in explaining the...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1995

De Gaulle et la reconstruction

Il s'agit de s'interroger sur le rôle du Général de Gaulle en matière de reconstruction de la France depuis les débats de la résistance jusqu'à son rôle de chef de gouvernement provisoire de la République française

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1995

An Engelian model of growth and innovation with hierarchic consumer demand and unequal incomes

The paper develops an endogenous growth model which is based on lexicographical consumer preferences. The central variable determining the long-run rate of growth is personal income distribution. Its role in the process of growth depends crucially on the assumption about productivity growth. If productivity grows proportionally to product diversity, then an unequal distribution of...

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English / 01/06/1994

Count data models for demographic data.

Key demographic variables, such as the number of children and the number of marriages or divorces, can only take integer values. This papers deals with the estimation of single equation models in which the counts are regressed on a set of observed individual characteristics such as age, gender, or nationality. Most empirical work in population economics has neglected the fact that...

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English / 01/02/1994


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