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Demographic Change and Pharmaceuticals' Stock Returns

We analyze how demographic change affected profits and returns across pharmaceutical industries over the last twenty years. Fluctuations in different age group sizes influence the estimated demand changes for age-sensitive drugs, such as antibacterials for young, antidepressants for middle-aged, and antithrombotics for old people. These demand changes are predictable as soon as a...

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English / 01/09/2011

The Time-Varying Systematic Risk of Carry Trade Strategies

We explain the currency carry trade (CT) performance using an asset pricing model in which factor loadings are regime dependent rather than constant. Empirical results show that a typical CT strategy has much higher exposure to the stock market and is mean reverting in regimes of high foreign exchange volatility. The findings are robust to various extensions. Our regime-dependent...

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English / 01/08/2011

Inflation Risk Premia and Survey Evidence on Macroeconomic Uncertainty

The difference between nominal and real interest rates (break-even inflation) is often used to gauge the market's inflation expectations-and has become an important tool in monetary policy analysis. However, break-even inflation can move in response to shifts in inflation risk premia and liquidity premia as well as to changes in expected inflation. This paper sheds light on this...

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English / 01/06/2011

Unternehmenswert bei bivalenten Zahlungsüberschüssen

Der Unternehmenswert errechnet sich bei Fortführung als Summe der Barwerte der zukünftigen Zahlungsüberschüsse. Traditionellerweise wird für jeden zukünftigen Zeitpunkt der dann fällige unsichere Zahlungsüberschuss durch seinen Erwartungswert beschrieben und mit einer Rendite diskontiert, die das Risiko erfassen soll. So wird für den Zahlungsüberschuss (eines zukünftigen Zeitpunkts)...

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Deutsch / 01/03/2011

Feasible Momentum Strategies in the US Stock Market

While there is a large literature documenting the profitability of momentum strategies, their implementation is afflicted with many difficulties. Most importantly, high turnover and costs to hold short positions, especially in small-cap stocks, result in high transaction costs. We restrict our investment universe to large-capitalized stocks included in the S&P 100 index. Moreover...

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English / 01/02/2011

Has Hedge Fund Alpha Disappeared?

This paper investigates the alpha generation of the hedge fund industry based on a recent sample compiled from the Lipper/TASS database covering the time period from January 1994 to September 2008. We find a positive average hedge fund alpha in the cross-section for the majority of strategies and a positive and significant alpha for roughly half of all funds. Moreover, the alpha of...

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English / 01/02/2011

Corporate Governance and Firm Value: International Evidence

In this paper, we investigate the relation between firm-level corporate governance and firm value based on a large and previously unused dataset from Governance Metrics International (GMI) comprising 6,663 firm-year observations from 22 developed countries over the period from 2003 to 2007. Based on a set of 64 individual governance attributes we construct two alternative additive...

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English / 01/01/2011

The US Term Premia around the FOMC Decisions

Using the high-frequency identification from Piazzesi (2005), this study estimates a Gaussian term structure model on daily US interest rates data to explore the reaction of the estimated term premia on the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) policy rate decisions. All the FOMC decisions from January 1999 to December 2008 are divided into anticipated- and "surprise" policy...

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English / 01/01/2011

CoCos statt Bailout: Details sind entscheidend

Es ist unbestritten, dass das Too-big-to-fail-Problem und die damit einhergehenden impliziten Garantien ein gravierendes Problem darstellen, welches zu drastischen ökonomischen Verzerrungen führen kann. Die Lösung des Problems ist aber weder einfach noch in ihrer Wirkung auf die betroffenen Institute und das Finanzsystem
harmlos. Es gilt deshalb eine sorgfältige Güterabwägung...

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Deutsch / 19/12/2010


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