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Review: The role of social cognition in decision making

Successful decision making in a social setting depends on our ability to understand the intentions, emotions and beliefs of others. The mirror system allows us to understand other people's motor actions and action intentions. ‘Empathy’ allows us to understand and share emotions and sensations with others. ‘Theory of mind’ allows us to understand more abstract concepts such as...

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English / 01/01/2008

Explicit neural signals reflecting reward uncertainty

The acknowledged importance of uncertainty in economic decision making has stimulated the search for neural signals that could influence learning and inform decision mechanisms. Current views distinguish two forms of uncertainty, namely risk and ambiguity, depending on whether the probability distributions of outcomes are known or unknown. Behavioural neurophysiological studies on...

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English / 01/01/2008

Anatomy of the episodic buffer: a voxel-based morphometry study in patients with dementia

In 2000 Baddeley proposed the existence of a new component of working memory, the episodic buffer, which should contribute to the on-line maintenance of integrated memory traces. The author assumed that this component should be critical for immediate recall of a short story that exceeds the capacity of the phonological store. Accordingly, patients with Alzheimer's dementia (AD)...

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English / 01/01/2008

Shared neural resources between music and language indicate semantic processing of musical tension-resolution patterns

Harmonic tension-resolution patterns have long been hypothesized to be meaningful to listeners familiar with Western music. Even though it has been shown that specifically chosen musical pieces can prime meaningful concepts, the empirical evidence in favor of such a highly specific semantic pathway has been lacking. Here we show that 2 event-related potentials in response to harmonic...

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English / 01/01/2008

The Dark Side of the Moon: Structured Products from the Customers' Perspective

Structured financial products have gained more and more popularity in recent years, but nevertheless has their success so far not thoroughly been analyzed. In this article we develop a theoretical framework for the design of optimal structured products and analyze the maximal utility gain for an investor that can be achieved by introducing structured products. We demonstrate that...

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English / 01/01/2008

A governance perspective on the European neighbourhood policy: integration beyond conditionality?

Inspired by the experience of Eastern enlargement, much of the academic debate on EU external relations and the European neighbourhood policy conceives of external influence in terms of the Union’s ability to induce third countries’ adaptation to predetermined EU norms and regulations. This article introduces a more structural perspective on EU external influence that scru- tinizes...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

The Migration–Development Nexus in EU External Relations

The linkage of development cooperation with migration policies has been promoted widely by international organizations from 2000 onwards. This paper analyses the factors that have prompted and impeded a reorientation of the dominant migration policy-frame within the EU towards the realization of a migration– development nexus. It is argued that external events such as the...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Strong reciprocity and the roots of human morality

Human morality is a key evolutionary adaptation on which human social behavior has been based since the Pleistocene era. Ethical behavior is constitutive of human nature, we argue, and human morality is as important an adaptation as human cognition and speech. Ethical behavior, we assert, need not be a means toward personal gain. Because of our nature as moral beings, humans take...

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English / 01/01/2008


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