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Integrating QCA and HLM for Multilevel Research on Organizational Configurations

Mixed methods systematically combine multiple research approaches—either in basic parallel, sequential, or conversion designs or in more complex multilevel or integrated designs. Multilevel mixed designs are among the most valuable and dynamic. Yet current multilevel designs, which are rare in the mixed methods literature, do not strongly integrate qualitative and quantitative...

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English / 01/01/2017

Detecting nestedness in graphs

Many real-world networks have a nested structure. Examples range from biological ecosystems (e.g. mutualistic networks), industry systems (e.g. New York garment industry) to inter-bank networks (e.g. Fedwire bank network). A nested network has a graph topology such that a vertex’s neighborhood contains the neighborhood of vertices of lower degree. Thus, the adjacency matrix is...

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English / 01/01/2017

Generalversammlungen geprägt von Unzufriedenheit bei Vergütungen

GV-Saison 2017 geprägt von steigender Unzufriedenheit bei Vergütungsthemen

(Meldung um weitere Details nach Medienkonferenz ergänzt) - Schweizer Aktionäre sind offenbar deutlich kritischer als bisher. Wie eine Auswertung der bisher abgehaltenen Generalversammlungen (GVs) von Schweizer Unternehmen in diesem Jahr zeigt, waren diese von einer steigenden Unzufriedenheit bei...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2017

All’s Well That Ends Well? On the Importance of how Returns are Achieved

We demonstrate that investor satisfaction and investment behavior are influenced substantially by the price path by which the final investor return is achieved. In a series of experiments, we analyze various different price paths. Investors are most satisfied if their assets first fall in value and then recover, and they are least satisfied with the opposite pattern, independent of...

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English / 01/01/2017

A Simple Macroeconomic Model with Extreme Financial Frictions

We develop a simple macroeconomic model with extreme financial frictions (no credit markets) and show that poverty traps can emerge even in the absence of leverage. In our model, farmers produce fruit by renting land from landlords. Crops are exposed to aggregate shocks (weather risk). To guarantee themselves a positive consumption level even after a bad crop, farmers store fruit as...

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English / 01/01/2017

Asymmetric stable Paretian distribution testing

Two new tests for the symmetric stable Paretian distribution with tail index 1 < α < 2 are proposed. The test statistics and their associated approximate p-values are instantly computed and do not require use of the stable density or distribution or maximum likelihood estimation. They exhibit high power against a variety of alternatives, and much higher power than the existing...

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English / 01/01/2017

How Much Is the Gap? Efficient Jump Risk-Adjusted Valuation of Leveraged Certificates

This paper develops a novel and highly efficient numerical algorithm for the gap risk-adjusted valuation of leveraged certificates. The existing literature relies on Monte Carlo simulations, which are not fast enough to be used in a market making environment. This is because issuers need to compute thousands of price updates per second. By valuing leveraged certificates as multi-...

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English / 01/01/2017

Measuring value sensitivity in medicine

Background: Value sensitivity – the ability to recognize value-related issues when they arise in practice – is an indispensable competence for medical practitioners to enter decision-making processes related to ethical questions. However, the psychological competence of value sensitivity is seldom an explicit subject in the training of medical professionals. In this contribution, we...

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English / 01/01/2017

Investieren in Mikrofinanz. Erträge und Risiken aus einer Perspektive der Verantwortung

Die Autorinnen schreiben den Akteuren der Mikrofinanzidustrie eine besonder Verantwortung für uhre Kunden, die ärmeren Bevölkerungsschichten, zu. Anders als in der konventionellen Finanzindustrie sind Mikrofinanzkunden in besonderem Masse verwundbar, vulnerabel. Diese Besonderheit rechtfertigt es, hohe Anforderungen an den Kundenschutz zu stellen. Ein solcher scheint zusätzlich...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2017

The circular unitary ensemble and the Riemann zeta function: the microscopic landscape and a new approach to ratios

We show in this paper that after proper scalings, the characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix converges to a random analytic function whose zeros, which are on the real line, form a determinantal point process with sine kernel. Our scaling is performed at the so-called “microscopic” level, that is we consider the characteristic polynomial at points whose distance to $1$...

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English / 01/01/2017


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