Publications des institutions partenaires

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Modeling multiple relationships in social networks

Firms are increasingly seeking to harness the potential of social networks for marketing purposes. Marketers are therefore interested in understanding the antecedents and consequences of relationship formation within networks and in predicting interactivity among users. In this paper we develop an integrated statistical framework for simultaneously modeling the connectivity structure...

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English / 01/01/2011

Risk-averse mitigation decisions in an unpredictable climate system

Risk aversion plays a central role in the decisions made in the face of uncertainties, and climate-change mitigation should be no exception. However, the interlinkage of risk aversion and climate-change uncertainties has hardly been investigated numerically, in part because of the computational difficulties of stochastic optimization. In this paper, we apply the numerical techniques...

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English / 01/01/2011

Is self-employment really a bad experience?: The effects of previous self-employment on subsequent wage-employment wages

We use propensity score matching methods to quantify the effects of past self-employment experience on subsequent earnings in dependent employment using data on the population of Danish men observed between 1990 and 1996. Our results generally confirm existing studies in that we find that a spell of self-employment is associated with lower hourly wages compared to workers who were...

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English / 01/01/2011

Selling when brand image matters

This paper studies profit-maximizing seller behavior when brand image affects demand. We consider a seller facing a population of consumers with heterogeneous tastes regarding product quality and brand image. First, we analyze<I> active branding</I> by the seller through costly advertising. Our analysis shows that advertising, price, and profits are all increasing in the...

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English / 01/01/2011

A cross-national investigation into the marketing department’s influence within the firm: towards initial empirical generalizations

This study of the influence of the marketing department (MD), as well as its relationship with firm performance, includes seven industrialized countries and aims to generalize the conceptual model presented by Verhoef and Leeflang (2009). This investigation considers the antecedents of perceived MD influence, top management respect for the MD, and MD decision influence, as well as...

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English / 01/01/2011

Do price charts provided by online shopbots influence price expectations and purchase timing decisions

Online price comparison sites (shopbots) like are the most powerful tools for consumers to easily compare prices and find offers for desired products. Besides providing distributions of actual prices in price comparison tables, shopbots like have recently introduced price charts (line charts) displaying a product's full price history. Price charts...

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English / 01/01/2011

When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics. Towards Further Symbiosis

Organization theory and business ethics are essentially the positive and normative sides of the very same coin, reflecting on how human cooperative activities are organized
and how they ought to be organized respectively. It is therefore unfortunate that—due to the relatively impermeable manmade boundaries segregating the corresponding scholarly communities into separate...

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English / 01/10/2010

Career Incentives and "Publish or Perish" in German and US Universities

Increasingly, faculty members are rewarded financially for prestige-maximizing publications. As a result, the balance between publishing and other activities such as teaching or public service may collapse, as argued by Leisyte, Enders, and de Boer (2009). In our paper, we focus on career-related rewards and study their impact on publication productivity to see whether economic...

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English / 01/01/2010

Avoiding Labor Shortages by Employer Signaling: On the Importance of Good Work Climate and Labor Relations

Reversing the original signaling model, this study explains how employers signal the non-observable quality of their workplace and thereby reduce labor shortages. Based on a company data set of 204 German firms, the authors find, as predicted by their theory, that the existence of a works council, an apprenticeship training program, and a high-quality incumbent workforce...

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English / 01/01/2010

The UN Global Compact as a Learning Approach

It is our intention here to discuss the consequences of globalization for corporate responsibility and global governance. We shall highlight the role of the Global Compact and its goals and describe Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a corporate learning process. We shall then discuss the challenges in this learning process by pointing out what corporations must learn, and...

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English / 01/01/2010


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