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Health and skill formation in early childhood

This paper analyzes the developmental origins and the evolution of health, cognitive, and socio-emotional skills during early childhood, from age 0 to 5. We explicitly model the dynamic interactions of health with the child’s behavior and cognitive skills, as well as the role of parental investment. A dynamic factor model corrects for the presence of measurement error in the proxy...

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English / 01/11/2016

Leverage and beliefs: personal experience and risk-taking in margin lending

What determines risk-bearing capacity and the amount of leverage in financial markets? Using unique archival data on collateralized lending, we show that personal experience can affect individual risk-taking and aggregate leverage. When an investor syndicate speculating in Amsterdam in 1772 went bankrupt, many lenders were exposed. In the end, none of them actually lost money....

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English / 01/11/2016

Brain stimulation reveals crucial role of overcoming self-centeredness in self-control

Neurobiological models of self-control predominantly focus on the role of prefrontal brain mechanisms involved in emotion regulation and impulse control. We provide evidence for an entirely different neural mechanism that promotes self-control by overcoming bias for the present self, a mechanism previously thought to be mainly important for interpersonal decision-making. In two...

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English / 05/10/2016

«Wir wollen mittelfristig in der Weltklasse mitspielen»

Ernst Fehr baut die Wirtschaftsfakultät der Universität Zürich kräftig aus – auf rund 30 Professoren

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Deutsch / 02/10/2016

The benefits of intervention: birth weights in Basle 1912-1920

To assess the impact of interventions on well-being during war time, we analyze data from the birth records at the university maternity hospital of Basle in the period 1912-1920. Birth weight of children from medium SEP families decreased during the crisis years 1918 and 1919, but not for low and high SEP families. A potential explanation is access to food: while high SEP families...

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English / 01/10/2016

Changing cultural attitudes towards female genital cutting

As globalization brings people with incompatible attitudes into contact, cultural conflicts inevitably arise. Little is known about how to mitigate conflict and about how the conflicts that occur can shape the cultural evolution of the groups involved. Female genital cutting is a prominent example1, 2, 3. Governments and international agencies have promoted the abandonment of cutting...

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English / 01/10/2016

The order of knowledge and robust action. how to deal with economic uncertainty?

Uncertainty in economics is generated by “nature” but also by the model we use to “produce the future”. The production of the future comprises besides the allocation of resources on different instruments (technologies, financial products) also the design of the instruments. Specialization and diversification considerations point to the advantages of targeting instruments to a rich...

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English / 01/10/2016

Macroeconomic risk in exchange rates: three empirical essays

This introductory umbrella chapter interlinks the three essays of this dissertation thesis and explains their stance towards the economic discipline. The essays focus on two key exchange rate puzzles, which are the forward premium puzzle of Fama (1984) and the consumption real exchange rate correlation puzzle of Backus and Smith (1993). As regards the first puzzle, this thesis...

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English / 01/10/2016

Partial adaptation of obtained and observed value signals preserves information about gains and losses

Given that the range of rewarding and punishing outcomes of actions is large but neural coding capacity is limited, efficient processing of outcomes by the brain is necessary. One mechanism to increase efficiency is to rescale neural output to the range of outcomes expected in the current context, and process only experienced deviations from this expectation. However, this mechanism...

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English / 28/09/2016

Vom Mutterleib zum Arbeitsmarkt : ökonomische Erkenntnisse

Eine gesunde Schwangerschaft und frühkindliche Interventionen verringern ökonomische Ungleichheit. Wie, erklärt der Ökonom Hannes Schwandt, der von Princeton an die Uni Zürich gewechselt ist.

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Deutsch / 28/09/2016

Statuswettbewerb und Privatkonkurs

Der Wettlauf der Eitelkeiten kann zu einer höheren kollektiven Wirtschaftsleistung führen. Er kann die Menschen aber auch unglücklich machen und zu fahrlässigem Konsum verleiten.

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Deutsch / 27/09/2016

Die Automatisierung der Arbeit

Der Einsatz von Maschinen, Computern und Robotern hat nicht zu einem deutlichen Rückgang der Beschäftigung geführt. Hingegen spaltet sich der Arbeitsmarkt in gut und schlecht bezahlte Berufe.

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Deutsch / 14/09/2016

Bilateral trade with loss-averse agents

We study the bilateral trade problem put forward by Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983) under the assumption that agents are loss-averse, using the model developed by Kőszegi and Rabin (2006, 2007). We show that the endowment effect increases the sellers information rent, and that the attachment effect reduces the buyer’s information rent. Further, depending on the distribution of types...

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English / 01/09/2016

Designing dynamic research contests

This paper considers the optimal design of dynamic research contests when the buyer can set time-dependent prizes. We derive the buyer-optimal contest and show that it entails an increasing prize schedule. Remarkably, this allows the buyer to implement a global stopping rule. In particular, the optimal contest attains the first-best. More generally, we show that global stopping rules...

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English / 01/09/2016

The China shock: learning from labor market adjustment to large changes in trade

China’s emergence as a great economic power has induced an epochal shift in patterns of world trade. Simultaneously, it has challenged much of the received empirical wisdom about how labor markets adjust to trade shocks. Alongside the heralded consumer benefits of expanded trade are substantial adjustment costs and distributional consequences. These impacts are most visible in the...

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English / 01/09/2016

A global view of productivity growth in China

How does a country's productivity growth affect worldwide real incomes through international trade? In this paper, we take this classic question to the data by measuring the spillover effects of China's productivity growth. Using a quantitative trade model, we first estimate China's productivity growth between 1995 and 2007 and then isolate what would have happened to...

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English / 01/09/2016

Wir müssen möglichst alle Menschen in den Prozess der Leistungserstellung integrieren

Ein Gespräch mit Josef Falkinger über Ungleichheit, Teilhabe und Gerechtigkeit, die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung eines gemeinsamen Fortschrittsprojekts und ökonomische Macht.

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Deutsch / 01/09/2016

Importing political polarization? The electoral consequences of rising trade exposure

Has rising trade integration between the U.S. and China contributed to the polarization of U.S. politics? Analyzing outcomes from the 2002 and 2010 congressional elections, we detect an ideological realignment that is centered in trade-exposed local labor markets and that commences prior to the divisive 2016 U.S. presidential election. Exploiting the exogenous component of rising...

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English / 01/09/2016

Turning a blind eye, but not the other cheek: On the robustness of costly punishment

The willingness to punish norm violation is an important component of many legal and social institutions, and much prior research demonstrates an apparent willingness to incur costs to punish individuals who act unfairly. But, will people rely on “excuses” to get out of having to act on costly punishment intentions, as they do with other costly pro-social acts? And how may the answer...

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English / 01/08/2016


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