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Public Sector Sponsored Continuous Vocational Training in East Germany: Institutional Arrangements, Participants, and Results of Empirical Evaluations

Not available in German. After unification of the East and West German economies in July 1990 the public sector devoted substantial resources to train the labour force of the former centrally planned East German economy. In this paper we describe the basic trends of the rules and regulations governing these efforts. We supplement this description with empirical stylized facts....

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English / 01/01/2001

Identification and Estimation of Causal Effects of Multiple Treatments under the Conditional Independence Assumption

Not available in German. The assumption that the assignment to treatments is ignorable conditional on attributes plays an important role in the applied statistic and econometric evaluation literature. Another term for it is conditional independence assumption. This paper discusses identification when there are more than two types of mutually exclusive treatments. It turns out that...

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English / 01/01/2001

Picking winners or creating them? Revisiting the benefits of FDI in the Czech Republic

We examine whether publicly-traded Czech firms that received foreign direct investment (FDI) before the end of 1995 had higher levels of total factor productivity during 1995-8. Preliminary data analysis reveals that, as restructuring occurred, many Czech firms left the sample during 1995-8 and that the recipients of FDI tended to be larger firms. We show that failing to tackle the...

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English / 01/01/2001

Auf dem Weg zu einer "entwicklungsfördernden" Aussenhandelspolitik der Schweiz

Die Frage der Beschaffenheit des Marktzugangs für Exporte aus Entwicklungsländern stellt sich heute ungeachtet eines fortschreitenden Liberalisierungsprozesses im Welthandel. Entsprechend der Handelpolitik anderer Industriestaaten gewährt die Schweiz den Entwicklungsländern seit Jahren eine Vorzugsbehandlung, welche vor allem in einem einseitigen Abbau von tarifären Handelshemmnissen...

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English / 01/01/2001

Trade in cross-border (electronic) Services: Regulatory Barriers and the Role of the WTO

Papier auf einem interdisziplinären Doktorandenseminar zu Fragen der WTO, Tübingen, Juli 2001, unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Prof. Dr. Kokott, Prof. Dr. Hauser und Prof. Dr. Martin Nettesheim #### (pdf, 143k)

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English / 01/01/2001

Optimizing Organizational Structure: Hausdorff Benchmark for Complex Social Systems

The search of optimal structures for social organizations has been an ongoing concern of management science, but reliable answers have not been given. Optimization theory has provided solutions, but these have always addressed very specific organizational problems, not the issue of overall optimality in terms of the fitness of the organization as a whole. In this paper, a new...

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English / 01/01/2001

An Incumbent Country View on Eastern Enlargement of the EU. Part I: A General Treatment

An eastern enlargement of the EU, from an incumbent country point of view, involves a fiscal burden from extending Union agricultural and cohesion policies to new members, coupled with potential gains as well as adjustment problems deriving from an extended customs union and a larger single market. Enlargement is controversial, because the net effect is unclear, a priori, and will...

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English / 25/12/2000

Term Structure Models in Multistage Stochastic Programming: Estimation and Approximation

This paper investigates some common interest rate models for scenario generation in financial applications of stochastic optimization. We discuss conditions for the underlying distributions of state variables which preserve convexity of value functions in a multistage stochastic program. One- and multi-factor term structure models are estimated based on historical data for the Swiss...

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English / 01/12/2000

Prerequisites for Private Restraints on Market Access and International Cartels

With the decline of government-imposed trade barriers policymakers have given greater attention to the international distortions created by the practices of private firms, including cartels. We critically evaluate the techniques used in the economic literature to estimate the effects of these private practices, finding them wanting on several grounds. In contrast, many of the...

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English / 01/12/2000


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