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Testing instrument validity for LATE identification based on inequality moment constraints

This paper proposes bootstrap tests for the validity of instrumental variables (IV) in just identified treatment effect models with endogeneity. We demonstrate that the IV assumptions required for the identification of the local average treatment effect (LATE) allow us to both point identify and bound the mean potential outcomes (i) of the always takers (those treated irrespective...

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English / 01/05/2015

Do Long-term Unemployed Workers Benefit from Targeted Wage Subsidies?

We evaluate a wage subsidy program that is targeted at long-term unemployed
workers in Germany. We use an alternative identification procedure compared to
empirical studies conducted so far. Exploiting the particular program regulations and
large administrative data we estimate the impact of program availability using a regression discontinuity framework. Our...

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English / 01/02/2015

Die Reform der Altersvorsorge als Schuldenbremse

Bundesrat Berset hat es in der ersten Version seiner Reform der Altersvorsorge versäumt, Automatismen einzubauen: eine Anpassung der flexiblen Spanne des Rentenalters an die Lebenserwartung und des Umwandlungssatzes an Zinsumfeld und demografische Parameter.

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Deutsch / 21/01/2015

The Sources of Risk Spillovers Among U.S. REITs : Financial Characteristics and Regional Proximity

In this paper, we estimate the risk spillovers among 74 U.S. REITs using the statedependent sensitivity value-at-risk (SDSVaR) approach. This methodology allows for the quantification of the spillover size as a function of a company's financial condition (tranquil, normal, and volatile REIT prices). We show that the size of risk spillovers is more than twice as large when REITs...

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English / 01/01/2015

Treatment effects and panel data

It is a major achievement of the econometric treatment effect literature to clarify under which conditions causal effects are non-parametrically identified. The first part of this chapter focuses on the static treatment model. In this part, I show how panel data can be used to improve the credibility of matching and instrumental variable estimators. In practice, these gains come...

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English / 01/01/2015

Electricity Market Coupling in Europe: Status Quo and Future Challenges

In electricity markets globally, market participants and policymakers increasingly focus on integrating adjacent, yet separate market areas via cross-border trade in electricity. Based on a discussion of the institutional framework for organizing cross-border trade, this paper analyzes how spot and futures prices for wholesale electricity are affected by different degrees of market...

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English / 01/01/2015

Granting Birthright Citizenship - A Door Opener to Educational Particiation and Success?

Does birthright citizenship boost immigrant children's participation
and success in the host country's educational system? We address this
question using a reform of the German naturalization law in 1999 that
entitled children born after January 1, 2000 to birthright citizenship.
We use a difference-in-difference design that compares children born...

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English / 11/12/2014

Mut zur Meinungsäusserung

Wie bringt man seine zahlreichen beruflichen Verpflichtungen ­unter einen Hut? Wie schafft man den Übergang zur Pensionierung? Diese und ­andere Fragen beantwortet Monika Bütler im Gespräch.

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Deutsch / 01/12/2014

Can't Buy Mommy's Love? Universal Childcare and Children's Long-Term Cognitive Development

What happens to children's long-run cognitive development when introducing universal high-quality childcare for 3-year-olds mainly crowds out family care? To answer this question, we take advantage of a sizeable expansion of publicly subsidized full-time high-quality childcare for 3-year-olds in Spain in the early 1990s. Identification relies on variation in the initial speed of...

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English / 29/10/2014

When Does Time Matter? Maternal Employment, Children's Time With Parents, and Child Development

This study tests the two assumptions underlying popularly held notions that
maternal employment negatively affects children because it reduces time spent with parents: (1) that maternal employment reduces children's time with parents, and (2) that time with parents affects child outcomes. We analyze children's time-diary data from the Child Development Supplement of...

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English / 29/10/2014

After-School Care and Children's Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills

What is the impact of after-school center-based care on the development of primary school-aged children? Answering this question is challenging due to non-random selection of children into after-school center-based care. We tackle this challenge using detailed data of the German Child Panel and employing a value-added method. While we do not find significant effects on average, our...

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English / 01/10/2014

Does Early Child Care Help or Hurt Children's Development?

More children than ever attend center-based care early in life. We study whether children who attend center-based care before age 3 have better or worse language and motor skills, socio-emotional maturity, and school readiness just before entering primary school. In data covering about 36,000 children in one West German state, we use a marginal treatment effects framework to show how...

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English / 30/09/2014

A test of the conditional independence assumption in sample selection models

Identification in most sample selection models depends on the independence of the regressors and the error terms conditional on the selection probability. All quantile and mean functions are parallel in these models; this implies that quantile estimators cannot reveal any - per assumption non-existing - heterogeneity. Quantile estimators are nevertheless useful for testing the...

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English / 10/09/2014

Radius matching on the propensity score with bias adjustment: finite sample behaviour, tuning parameters and software implementation

Using a simulation design that is based on empirical data, a recent study by Huber, Lechner and Wunsch (2012) finds that distance-weighted radius matching with bias adjustment as proposed in Lechner, Miquel and Wunsch (2011) is competitive among a broad range of propensity score-based estimators used to correct for mean differences due to observable covariates. In this paper, we...

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English / 02/08/2014

Ambivalente Massnahmen: Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformen und ihre Auswirkungen

Rechtliche Interventionen mit sozialpolitischer Zielsetzung im Binnenraum privater Lebensformen zeitigen neben den beabsichtigten auch ungewollte und unerwünschte Wirkungen. Dies lässt sich am Beispiel zweier jüngerer gleichstellungspolitisch motivierter Sozial- und Familienrechtsreformen zeigen, die bei näherem Hinschauen widersprüchliche Anreize senden. Diese sind unter anderem...

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Deutsch / 01/08/2014

Les réformes de l'Etat-providence et leurs conséquences ambivalentes

Les réformes de société peuvent parfois produire des effets indésirables. Il est possible d'illustrer ce constat en examinant deux réformes récentes dans le domaine de la politique sociale et familiale. Motivées par un souci de promouvoir l'égalité entre les sexes, ces réformes ont créé des incitations contradictoires. L'explication réside notamment dans la coexistence...

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Français / 01/08/2014

Causal pitfalls in the decomposition of wage gaps

The decomposition of gender or ethnic wage gaps into explained and unexplained components (often with the aim to assess labor market discrimination) has been a major research agenda in empirical labor economics. This paper demonstrates that conventional decompositions, no matter whether linear or non-parametric, are equivalent to assuming a (probably too) simplistic model of...

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English / 10/07/2014

The tempest: Natural disasters, Early Shocks and Children's Short- and Long-Run Development

Socio-economic shocks during early childhood are predicted to have detrimental short- and long-run consequences for children's development. We examine this hypothesis using a specific shock: housing damages caused by a super-typhoon. Comparing children, who lived in the same district, but only some experienced housing damages, we can isolate the real-estate shock from any...

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English / 01/07/2014


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